And Everything Comes Crashing Down

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When both of the girls were loaded onto gurneys, the three of us followed them to the ambulances. All of us immediately tried to get in the two vehicles but were stopped. I instantly protested, telling them she was my girlfriend even though I knew she no longer bore the title.

From beside me, I could hear the mystery girl saying something about how Rae had done the same for her, and she wasn't just going to let her go by herself.

"Let them go." My head snapped to the side at the words, seeing the Sheriff standing there with a haggard expression. When I looked at him, he sent me a small nod before looking at the three of us. "Only one person can ride with though. One of you will need to follow behind."

I quickly looked at Danny, begging him with my eyes if he would be the one to stay. When he nodded his head, I ripped my keys out of my pocket and threw them to him without saying a word. I knew his date had driven him here.

Wasting no time, the EMTs pulled us into the ambulances. I sat down by myself next to Lydia and grabbed her hand as the people around me set to work on saving her life.

The ride to the hospital passed by in a blur as I stared at the beautiful girl's face in front of me, a few stray tears falling down my cheeks. When we arrived, I quickly jumped out and followed the medics as they pushed her inside. Walking in, my body stood stock still without my permission as I took notice of what was happening inside.

"She's crashing!" A nurse yelled from her position hovering over Rae. I watched in shock as she performed CPR on the girl, the monitor's flat line fading into white noise.

I couldn't tear my eyes away as they pedaled down the hall, Rae's hand hanging lifelessly over the side of the gurney. I followed after them until someone stuck a hand to my chest, making me glance down at them. I could see their lips moving, but I couldn't hear a thing. Everything was static.

I began struggling against the woman's hold, but she held me back until words fought through the storm brewing in my mind. " can't go back there. Sir, you need to wait here." Snapping my head over to look at her with wide eyes, I waited until she repeated the words again. Staring at the doors the group of people had rushed through, I nodded my head and slowly backed away with my feet dragging on the ground.

Looking down, I shook my head back and forth as I tried to get my head on straight. This proved futile as I noticed the blood staining my hands and raised them until they were in front of my face. After a moment, I started scrubbing them together, hoping to get it off. When it didn't work, I began pushing more aggressively as my forehead wrinkled.

A pair of bloody hands grabbed my own and I wrenched them away, looking up to see the girl who had ridden in with Rae. In the new lighting, she looked vaguely familiar. "Let go of me." I hissed, spinning around as I walked away from her. Once I got to the end of the wall, I bent over at the waist, crouching down. Placing my head in my hands, I rubbed my head before standing up and throwing a fist into the wall with a yell.

Backing up, I raised my hands back to my head as I stepped backward slowly, my breaths coming out in painful pants. At that moment, a body slid in front of me, a panicked expression marring his face. Looking up, I took one glimpse at Danny's face before pulling him into my arms.

He wasted no time in slamming his arms around me in return. A sob bubbled out of my throat as I sealed my eyes shut. For a while, we just stood there as we tried to regain our grip on reality.

When we pulled away, I ran a hand over my head once again and turned to look toward the receptionist.

"Are they okay?" The question caused me to turn around, hands atop my head.

This Isn't The End {Stiles Stilinski}[1]Where stories live. Discover now