Tunnel Vision

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Chapter 11: The Tell pt. 2

I decided to start posting on Wednesdays. I just like it more. Here ya go


"Oh, crap." Resting my palm against my forehead, I realized I was an idiot. 

I didn't have my bag. Or my phone.

"Don't worry. Scott went to your house. He's bringing your stuff to school." Turning to look at Stiles in surprise, he had a little smirk on his face knowing he had bested me.

God, he was amazing.

That was such a small thing to think of, and yet he remembered. For me.

Smiling, I turned to look back out the window, watching the trees flicker past as we drove. Deciding I should probably check the damage, I flipped down the visor on my side of the Jeep, flicking open the mirror.

It wasn't too bad. There were darker than usual bags under my eyes and a small bruise on my cheekbone from where I'd hit the ground. Littered over my face were tiny cuts from the glass; I'd assumed they'd been cleaned.

I'd already seen my arms and how many scratches would linger there for the next few days, now all I needed to know was how bad my back was.

"Stiles?" Feeling him look at me, I asked him the question I'd been dreading the answer to. "How bad is it?" Hearing his sharp inhale, I knew he knew what I was talking about.

"Umm..it's not bad. No, barely even looks like anything happened. Smooth as a baby's bottom." Hearing the strain in his voice, I turned to look at him for a better answer. Meeting my eyes, he sighed, hanging his head a little as he kept his eyes on the road. "It's bad. Basically, you're whole lower back is bruised. You can tell how you hit that pillar." He inhaled sharply before continuing. "It's the worst on your spine. It's dark purple." Running a hand over his mouth, Stiles began tapping the steering wheel as I looked down at my lap; staring.

Suddenly, I was transported back to the night before, staring at the red-eyed beast from my painful position on the ground. Inhaling, I let out a small scream.

"Rae!" Jumping, I spun around it my seat wide-eyed as my back screamed in protest. Noticing Erica's mirrored expression and Isaac's knitted eyebrows, I realized I'd made the noise aloud.

Turning back around, I went back to staring at my lap. "I'm okay. I'm okay." I didn't know who I was trying to convince; them or me. Feeling a hand on my arm, I flinched, my head shooting up.

"Rae, you don't have to do this. I can drive you home." Stiles was glancing between the road and me, a worried expression marring his beautiful face.

"Yes, I do." I pushed out. "I'm okay. I want to do this." Turning away, I continued staring at my lap as I tried to put my thoughts together.

In my drug-infused haze, I had forgotten what had actually happened last night. It wasn't just some normal murderer; some human with a butcher knife. No. It was a creature too humanoid to be possible. Blood-curdling red eyes were all I could see; staring into my own as my body grew immobile.

It was a werewolf. An Alpha.

No. I shook my head internally. That wasn't possible.

Pushing it to the farthest recesses of my mind, I didn't notice we had arrived until Isaac placed a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of it.

I silently thanked him as Stiles helped me from the Jeep and let the blondes in the back out. Walking forward, I didn't care if the others were already following me. I needed to move.

This Isn't The End {Stiles Stilinski}[1]Where stories live. Discover now