I slipped on the cotton shirt and some plain black t-shirt, my lips parting in a yawn while I walked to the windows and did as I was told. In the yellow, barely darkness, I found my way back towards the bed. Harry had taken the left side, and I was glad, because I always slept on the right. 

        He lied on his back with his eyes closed, lips closed tightly and his eyebrows furrowed. I turned my back towards him, resting on my side underneath the covers that he had pulled over himself and left a fair share for me. 

        I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. But as I tried to give my mind rest, it started replaying scenes from earlier today. Our second kiss, and all the emotion that flowed through me the second he had done it. He kissed me. It wasn't the other way around, and I'm surprised, yet confused. 

        Of course, my excited mind didn't rest there. I replayed his words from the day on the plane. The pure lust of them as they slipped from his perfectly pink, plump lips. I squeezed my eyes tightly, frustrated as his words came flooding back.

        "I will never fulfill my wants with you, and what a pleasure it would be to see you on my bed, wrapped up in my sheets all fucked and pretty," he had said.

        I pressed my lips together and felt a heat absorb my skin and eventually I took off the covers and left myself without it. The ache between my legs at the images Harry had effortlessly imprinted in my brain with his words worsened. I squeezed my thighs together tightly and sighed to myself. 

        Finally the moment had came. When I closed my eyes and my body fell into a sleep. But with the ache still resting between my thighs and my body still heated from the imagination I grew ever since he had spoken those things to me, I hoped my imagination wouldn't follow me into my sleeping conscience.



        I woke up with a start as usual. I have never been one to wake up with a simple flutter of my eyes because for some odd reason, I just lose my place for a few second and I'm forced awake. This pillow I was on, however, was different, and therefore I had a reason to wake up with a start. 

        My lips parted and my eyes widened once I realized who I was resting on. I somehow managed to roll on top of Harry over our nap, and my head had been lying on his hard, muscular chest for a while now. 

        Harry was still asleep, or I thought he was. He was breathing slowly with shallow breaths that signalled he was in fact still in not awake and fully aware of what was going on. I hoped to remove my curious body away from his before he did. 

        I hadn't noticed until I began to move from him, even though I was reluctant, that moving my leg first was a horrid idea. I felt the bulge in his boxers against my thigh, and as if on cue, Harry's raspy, husky groan escaped his lips. Harry might have been asleep, but not fully. 

        With his eyes closed, he rasped, "Dollface, don't do that."

        My cheeks flushed and my eyes widened. I whispered, "I'm sorry. I don't even know how I --"

        "Shh," he murmured quietly, and he turned his body to his side with a hand against my back, bringing me with him. "Shut up, and go back to sleep." He warned lowly, all with his eyes closed.

        I inhaled deeply at the way he held me. His injured arm was folded above his head, and the other was wrapped around my smaller frame. It surprised me. It definitely put me in absolute silence like he wanted to, but not because he had warned me to. 

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