Neil : I don't like this ritual. You all cheated including my wife.

Prakash : can't win over a wife.. just accept it. Be it now or later..

Swetha glares both of father and son and swetha gestures the girl to clear the mess and take Avni up into Neil's room.

Neil was about to leave following his wife and his cousin but was pulled back by friends who were smirking looking at Neil..

They made Neil sit between them and starts teasing him.

Vicky : what's so hurry to sleep Neil?

Neil : shut up. You idiot. Let me go.

Sanjay : Neil.. why so desperate for wedding night?

Neil : fuck off Sanjay..

Vicky : you will be doing that Neil...

Neil grits his teeth and glares them. He wonders how did he become friends with this shameless people who is known as his friends.

His cousins brought Avni to Neil's room and starts teasing her too making her blush so badly. Her cheek were red as a tomatoes.

His cousin made her sit on the bed and gathered around... even vidyut wife Juhi was present there.. she was also teasing her..

Juhi : guys stop it now... we should leave now..

His cousin : Juhi Di.. don't ruin the fun..

The rest starts winching regarding not Neil allowing Neil to enter till he gives them money..

Juhi made them stand up to leave the room when they heard footsteps.. his cousin smirks opening the door blocked his way and starts asking for money.

Neil : what? Leave me my way.. I am too tired for this nonsense now.

His cousins: we won't leave you Bhai.. give us money then you can sleep much as you want.. z

His cousins spoke together and Neil peeps inside the room to look over his wife but his cousins blocked his way.

Neil rubs his forehead and taking some cash out passes it to them and pushing them aside enters inside closing the door behind him.

Her heart thumped as he closed the door and starts walking towards bed.. her heart stops as he got closer to her...

Her hands fisted the bedsheet under the veil as his cousins told her to put veil up.. her eyes closed tightly...

Her breath stops and her heart stops beating as he lift the veil up and smiles seeing her.

He rubs his finger on her face and softly calls her name out.

Neil : love... open your eyes.

She slowly opens her eyes and looks into Neil's eyes which was filled with pure love and sincerity..

Neil : you don't be worried about anything. I won't do anything without your permission or will.

Avni : Neil.. I..

She shutters and looks at Neil in fear wondered he might get hurt.

Neil : I can understand love. We don't have to our consummate our love yet if you aren't ready. We have entire lives for this. I want you to be comfortable with me..

He cupping her face kissed her forehead lovingly.

Neil : we should get change and sleep. It must be irritating for you..

Avni nodding her head and gets down bed and looks at Neil.

Avni : where is my clothes?

Neil : they haven't brought it up yet.. I can give you my shirt for tonight.. you can change in the room. I will take the washroom.

She nodded his head and moves to his closet picking up the shirt of his.. 

Walking up to bed, she starts taking her jewellery up and placed it on the table.. found very difficult to removes the pins from her hair...

Frustratedly she began to takes the pins out. At the same time Neil comes out of washroom changing into joggers and t-shirt.

He saw her struggling with the pins. He sighs and moves to her helping her out..

He looks at the pins and thought how did she managed all whole night like that.

Neil : do you need my help?

Avni : yeah.. can you help me out?

Neil nodding his head starts helping her out.. she was in her blouse and lengha and walks to washroom while Neil arranged her jewellery on the table..

He turns back and saw her coming out of washroom without make up. He smiles seeing how beautiful she is without make up.

Neil : do you want me to leave while you get changed?

Avni : there is no need Neil.. I trust you.

Neil smiles and nodding his head climbs on the bed scrolling down his phone.. his eyes never left as his wife who moves to other side and was getting changed.

Neil puts his phone on the side table and looks at him wife who was struggling with the hook of her blouse. He sighs and getting down the bed moves to her and unhooks the knot.

She smiles and changed into his shirt and looks at Neil who was about to fold her lengha.

Avni : Neil.. leave it. I will do it tomorrow morning.

Neil : I can help you out.

Avni : no it's okay. It's too night. Let's sleep.

Neil nodding his head ana walks back to bed. They both climbed on the bed and Neil turns the light off pulling Avni in his arms..

He looks at her and pecks her forehead.

Neil : I love you wifey. Goodnight wifey.

Avni : I love you husband. Goodnight.

They both closed their eyes and slept embracing themselves in each other arms.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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Love never dies |completed|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora