Chapter 4

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In Delhi, at malthora mansion!

Manik yawningly comes down the stairs. He heard giggles coming nearby dining area so he walks there and saw everyone already up.

Manik: good morning maa.. papa.. baby doll..

Ashish and Neela with smile wished him back whereas avni glaring Manik took bite of bread and butter.

Manik pulling the chair beside avni sat down and starts serving himself when a hand spat his hand. He looks at the source and saw Neela glaring him.

Manik : what maa? Don't give those looks?

Neela : really Manik ? How can you just come down to have breakfast without freshening up? You won't get breakfast till you change your bad habit.

Manik : maa please.. let me have breakfast.. I'm really hungry.

Neela : no means no Manik. Go and fresh up first then you can fill your stomach.

Manik tried melting Neela with his antics but Neela glares him making him sigh..  Manik looks at avni who didn't bother acknowledging what was happening on dinning table instead of eating her food which shocked others but only Manik knew why avni was behaving like this.

He moving close to her nudged her shoulder making her look at him.

Manik : good morning baby doll. You didn't wish me good morning yet.

Avni glancing at Manik looked back at her plate and continued with her breakfast ignoring everyone's gaze.

Neela and Ashish didn't take any second to realise that they fought again. They shook their head and looks at Manik who was trying to gain Avni's attentions.

Neela : Manik go and fresh up.

Manik looks at Neela then nodding his head got up and went to his room.

As Manik left Neela looks at avni who was stabbing her food with fork.

Neela : bacha what are you doing? Did you guys fight again?

Avni snaps her head at Neela then looked down.

Neela : bacha I asked you something. Why did you both fight?

Avni looks at Neela.

Avni : maa why don't you ask Bhai why did we fight? He might have better answer then I do.

Ashish : princess what do you mean by that? Why would Manik start the fight?

Avni : papa please don't think Bhai can't start the fight. I am not fighting with him without any reason.. I have reason why I am angry with him.

Neela : bacha calm down. Tell us what actually happened? I have been noticing your both from yesterday morning.

Avni : maa Bhai is going back to London by neck week. Now tell me maa shouldn't I be angry with Bhai leaving so early.. he came back to India two days back and now he is planing to leave us. I don't want to him to leave.

Neela and Ashish sadly looks at each other then at avni who was in tears.. Neela shifts to Avni's chair and wipes her tears off.

Neela : bacha he has work there.. it's okay.. you can also go with him if you wish to. I mean why don't you join him to London as you will get bored with us.. we have work too.

Avni : no maa.. I won't leave you both alone.. I know you also miss Bhai but don't say it. I won't go leaving you both here alone.

Ashish : princess think calmly then decide. We are not going to force you. I'll ask Manik to take you too along with him.

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