GF: United States of America (U.S.A.)

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The United States of America

Human Name: Alfred F. Jones or Alfred Freedom Jones
Human Age/Nation Age: 18/19 years old: 245 years old

An immature, loud, energetic, rude, always says that he is the hero, once the colony of the British Empire, now a world superpower, and wants to help others, but makes things worse. Known to be loved by his North American family and doesn't know how to raise children the right way because of his childhood.

He is the youngest in the FACE family, and youngest of the Americas. Also the other countries think that America has a crush on Russia, but they are just close friends. He is never respectful of others, eats hamburgers whenever he gets the chance, and he has an annoying smile on face every day. They thought it was because he never saw wars and fights like they did.

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Vinland/New Sweden/New Amsterdam/U.S.A

Human Name: Antonia Noel Viggo Oxenstierna or Anthony Noel Vincent Liberty Jansen

Human Age/Nation Age: 22/23 years old: 530 years old

A mature, young man who is kind, caring, sweet, loving, helpful, charming, someone who wants the best for others, and the father of 66 kids, he is respectful to those who were around him and he is also kind to those who held a grudge against him, he has a healthy diet, he "only" eats hamburgers when he is in a rush, and the reason why he smiles so much is because he knows that the ones he loves are safe and sound from war, plus he has seen war before, he just doesn't like to bring up the past.

He is the son of the Nordic Five and the younger brother to Benelux siblings, not loved by his North American family because of his looks and his real family. He wants to be loved by those who raised him the correct way. The adopted nephew/son/brother to Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, the Asia countries, and the Germanic countries, as well as the love interest to Japan.

The American family hates him because of who he is and who he loves, the real family knows that he has a crush on the personification of Japan, Kiku Honda, the younger brother to China. But America gets shy whenever Japan is near him or when he hears the nation's name.

His actual name and life are known to few countries; they are North and South Italy, Seaborg, Spain, Germany, Prussia, China, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, China, Vietnam, Thailand, North and South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

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This is North America's fake and real files side by side to show that a mask is on him every day to hide the effect of his "family" abuse and verbal attacks that they had been doing to him for almost six centuries and those who do know who he is can see that he can keep files organized for when meetings can get out of hand.

Only the President, World Leaders, and other Personified Countries who are in on the secret can read the files to see if there is imposter among them. Also it helps other nations fully understand who America truly is.

America's Secret Family (Nordic America/Benelux America AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن