Chapter 2: First Readings and Laughs for Everyone

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Third POV:

That nation was Sweden, he wanted to learn about his son's past after he, Finnland, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark had left him after the colony, Vinnland, had fallen at the time when England and France had come into the New World.

" ''ll sta't 'ea'ing 'e 'ook" Berwald (Sweden) tells the entire room, no one could understand what the man was saying because of his speech pattern, but they didn't have time to worry about it now, they needed to finish this quickly. Berwald opened the book to the first page of the book and found the entry amusing to read, he started to smile at it, then he read it aloud for everyone to hear.

Austria never realized that Italy was not a girl until his voice changed.

Spain, on the other hand, knew all along and never felt the need to correct him.

(Romano always called Italy his fratello)

Everyone started laughing that the two former empires, especially Gilbert, who was laughing the loudest out of everybody in the room. He walks up to the said nations and started to laugh more because of the irony in the moment. "Vou didn't know vhat Italy was a boy until he hit puberty?" Roderich (Austria) nodded his head and looked down so that Gilbert didn't see his blushing face. "And vou knew vhe truvh, but vhy didn't vou tell Roddy about it?" Antonio (Spain) gave his good friend an answer that made Gilbert stop laughing and listen to him very closely. "Well, amigo, I didn't want Romano to be mad at me for knowing that he and Feliciano were twin brothers, so I kept it to myself until Feliciano was all grown up." Gilbert started to laugh more quietly, so that no one could hear him and that only Antonio could hear him.

"I'll take the next reading, dear." Tino (Finnland) tells his husband with a smile on his face, Berwald hands over the book to his wife. "H'r' 'ou go m' w'fe." The tall nation to his wife with a faint smile on his face, nobody except for Fernando, Andrew, and Anthoy, didn't see the love that the two nations had for each other. Anthoy walks over to where Berwald was, and stood right next to the man. Berwald began to ruffle the lad's hair and give him the smile that only belonged to a proud father, then he spoke to Anthoy in quiet wishper. " 'm pr''d of 'ou, m' son." Anthony looks at his father and gives him a smile and gives him a simple reply, "Thank You, Far."

But no saw this interaction of a father and son, because they were trying to hold back their laughter from the first entry and the next entry was harder to say with a straight face, unless you were one of the more stoic nations or had a really good poker face, and Tino had a better poker face than any of the nations.

China is swift as the coursing river with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, and as mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

All of the Asia countries began to laugh at the entry because it was all true, Yao(China) is all those attributes and they remembered that he cried when he watched the movie, Mulan, when it came out and Yao recalled the comment that Noel gave him before he returned to his 'home'.

You are swift as the coursing river with all the strength of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

Yao could never forget those words again after he watched the Disney Film, the said nation turned his head toward the direction of the father and son duo and saw that both of them were smiling amongst themselves without a care in the world for what others going to say to them. Once everyone calmed down a bit more, Tino decided to read the next entry and this one showed how much his son would go to such lengths to make others feel happy around him.

When Lithuania speaks English, he has a horrible tendency to use slang from 1920s United States.

America hasn't told him that those phrases are out of date, mostly because he misses the light-heartedness of the slang.

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