I had faith in my capabilities even if this jerk in front of me didn't but I couldn't stand the humiliation any longer. I spun on my heels, walked through the reception area and out into the street slamming the door behind me. The door closed with such force that the bells came off, which gave me a little satisfaction after what had just been a crushing experience and the end to a shitty day.

Twenty-four hours later

"How dare that little shit laugh at me like I'm nothing?" I said aloud. I was getting ready to go back to the Aces Tattoo shop but this time I was going prepared and I wasn't taking no for an answer. I applied a little heavier make up than I usually wore and opted for black heavy eyeliner, smoky eyes and bright pink lipstick. I decided to wear something that I would feel comfortable in and chose my tight leather trousers, knee high boots and a black leather waist coat which enhanced my curves. I already had a big bust for my size but the push up bra I was wearing intensified them further.
My hair had always been my favourite feature, so I decided to wear it down to give me a little more confidence. My hair was like a veil that hung to the waistband of my trousers and I was fortunate that my dad had never allowed anyone to cut it whilst I was growing up.
I'd never used my looks to get anything before but today I was going to use what God had given me, to get my foot through the door and speak to the owner. For the second time in twenty-four hours, I looked at my reflection with apprehension but this time I was being myself and liked what I saw. If I were told 'no' dressed like this, at least I had my armour to fight back. My armour also included my personal designs that covered most of my upper body telling a story, my story, which I was proud of. I picked up my keys along with my portfolio and walked out of the door ready to get the job I deserved.


"Spike!" The Prospect shouted through the curtain.
I ignored the little shit. He had pissed me off yesterday by sending a potential employee away. I needed someone to start immediately as I was snowed under with running the shop and errands for the club.
"Spike!" He shouted again.
"Sorry man, I better see what that little shit wants." I stopped Bear's tattoo and stood from my chair.
"No worries, I'm not exactly going anywhere." Bear stated as he lay on his front sprawled out like a starfish.
Throwing my gloves into the waste bin, I strolled to the reception area and pulled back the curtain to notice Jimmy drooling over a customer.
I clipped him around the head, "Stop being so fucking rude and move out the way."
Jimmy mumbled something under his breath before disappearing into the backroom, I sniggered to myself at seeing his demeanour. I turned to face the customer that had gotten Jimmy excited and that's when I got a good look at the girl standing at the reception desk. She was beautiful, not your typical beauty but she certainly made my cock twitch. She had long black hair and piercing blue eyes that looked like they could see straight into your soul, not a place I wanted her to see into though.
I noticed her tattooed arms and chest and that her designs were feminine and suited her small frame well, some tattoos make women look butch but not this one. I continued to check her out but realised that I was staring and didn't want to come across as an arse.

I was about to speak when she offered her hand, "Hi I'm Harlow, nice to meet you. Are you the owner?" She asked looking at me with those beautiful eyes.
I noticed that she was clutching a folder close to her chest. "What's in the folder?" I asked her curiously. I wasn't in the habit of stating who I was before I knew what the person wanted.
"Oh sorry, I'm here about the job you have advertised in the window. I brought my designs to show you what I can do." As she spoke, she placed the leather bound folder on the counter. "I've also got all the relevant paperwork."
I flicked through her designs noticing how talented she was, her designs were creative and different to the usual shit I saw and I found that she had roused my interest.
"Who did your artwork?" I asked as she ran her hand up and down her arm looking at the designs.
"I drew them and a friend inked me." The way she said friend piqued my interest but I didn't have time for this shit as I was in the middle of a tattoo.
"Look, I'll be totally straight with you, this club is owned by the Aces and you'll be working on bikers." I folded my arms and looked at her studying her beautiful face, which gave absolutely nothing away.
"They curse and they're rude, is this really the place you want to work?" I thought that she would run for the hills, although I was hoping she wouldn't because a piece of eye candy around the place would bring in more customers.
Her face lit up showing a line of perfectly white teeth, "Yes, I've dreamt of this." She said excitedly.
Her response took me by surprise but I needed to make a few things clear, "I don't want any dramas brought to my shop or ideas of running away with any of my Brothers." I stood with my hands on my hips assessing her reaction further, she was still smiling with her pleading eyes.
"Well, I can't be any clearer than that and if that hasn't put you off then great. Come in and finish off Bears tattoo, then we'll assess the situation."

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Where stories live. Discover now