Chapter 4

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"The shipment arrives on Sunday and I want you, Rex, Stoney and Bear to see its safe arrival." Duke was sitting at the oak desk in his office, leaning back in the chair with his feet resting on the desk. He could see by my expression that I wasn't happy about being out of town for a while.
"What's up with you? You screwing Harlow yet?" His smile widened showing his beautifully lined teeth, teeth that I'd like to smash.
"Fuck off, it's none of your business." I stated sitting on the arm of the green sofa placed in the corner of his office. I tried to rub the back of my neck to release some of the tension that had built up this evening and reaction obviously sparked his interest further as he placed his feet on the floor and sat up with a huge grin on his face.
"What's the matter, have you lost your charm? Look man she's fit but if you're not interested, can I have ago?" I'd love to smash the fucking smug look off Duke's face. He wasn't interested in Ink, he just liked to fucking annoy me and it was working.

"Anyway what did you wanna talk about?" Duke asked changing the subject as he probably knew he had pissed me off.
"I had an interesting conversation with Ink this evening." I ignored Duke's obvious intrigue on what I had just called her. I knew she had links to an MC but my worst fears were confirmed this evening and I needed to let Duke know before he found out from someone else.
I paused which piqued Duke's interest further, "Her dad was Trigger."
I knew this wasn't good for Ink's future at the club, her loyalties would be tested if she wanted to continue to work for us. I could see the flicker of shock on Duke's face before it was gone as quickly as it came.
"Trigger as in the Sergeant at Arms for the Skulls, who was recently murdered?"
I nodded my head slowly, "The very same, we ran into some Skulls at the cafe this evening and Patch also hinted that she had a connection to Hawke. She denies it and I believe her but something doesn't quite feel right."
"Does she know that you're interested?"
"It's quick Diesel."
I nodded my head understanding what he was getting at.
I could see that Duke was chewing over this information. "Do you trust her?" he asked running his fingers through his hair and resting them at the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I took her to Spirits Point this evening." My words hung in the air as Duke loved Shaun as much as I did.
Spike and Duke were my rocks when I lost him and understood just how much that place in Epping Forest means to me because of the memories it holds.
"I understand." He said with a smile. "You know the protocol though, I'll need to put her under surveillance and do a more extensive background check on her and dig into her past as much as possible." Duke quickly wiped his eye, trying to make it look like he had an itch, rather than let me realise that he was hurting by the sound of my son's name. It had affected us all in many different ways.
"I'll put Tyler on her until we clear up the situation, I'm annoyed we didn't pick up on this before you got involved."
"It wouldn't have made a difference."
"Is she coming Saturday?" Duke's composure was back.
"Yeah, we had words this evening but she'll be there." I said aloud, trying to convince myself but doubting every word.


I felt like shit, I hadn't got much sleep through tossing and turning all night long. I had finally given up at 6.00am and decided to go for a run to clear my head. I hadn't been to the gym in weeks and now my body was aching all over from my morning workout. The scolding hot shower hadn't helped either and now I was in need of coffee before the long list of appointments I had today.

"Good morning Harlow." Spike welcomed me as I entered the shop.
"Is it?" I responded walking to the back room to put my bag and coat into my locker. I took a big gulp of coffee and looked in the mirror at the large bags under my eyes. You don't only feel like shit, you look like shit Harlow, pull yourself together. With a slap on each cheek, I was more awake and psyched for my first appointment.

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