Chapter 2

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It was a bright sunny Monday morning, which had put me in a good mood. I couldn't stop thinking about the events that had taken place on Friday and the mere thought of Diesel gave me butterflies in my tummy. Diesel was one hot alpha male. His short dark hair, chiselled features and his bulging biceps were probably the reason for my butterflies. I'm so shallow!

I arrived at the shop with coffees in hand, I wanted to try to make amends for the fallout with Jimmy if I had to work with him every day. As I walked through the door the bells chimed which made me chuckle. Jimmy came bounding into the reception area with a smile on his face until he saw me, he quickly turned on his heels ready to go back into the main room.
"Jimmy, look please hold on a minute." I said quickly grabbing his attention.
Jimmy stopped and turned around looking at me blankly.
"I've come with a peace offering." I held a cup of coffee in the air so that he could see my kind gesture. "I'm sorry about Friday, I think we got off on the wrong foot." Grinning at him I waited patiently for him to respond.
Jimmy reached out and took the cup, mumbling his gratitude under his breath. He fiddled with the lid as if he was pondering on something before he quickly turned and stalked into the main room, this didn't mean that we were now friends but it was a good start and would hopefully clear the air.

I was nervous about my first day but the morning had flown by and had run smoothly. It was nearing lunchtime, which I was grateful for as I was starving, and my stomach had been rumbling for the past ten minutes as I finished CJ's tattoo on his chest.
"Are you hungry girl?" he asked with a smile on his face. CJ was a hulk of a man, there must be something in the water around this area to help create such beautiful men. He had explained that he managed the clubs gym, which was probably responsible for his incredibly toned body. I had tried not to paw him too much over the past three hours and wondered if I'd ever get the chance to ink Diesel as I'd love to run my hands over his chest.
"Sure am." I said almost embarrassed that he had heard my stomach and pleased that he couldn't read where my thoughts had wandered too.

That is when I felt him before I had even seen him, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt his presence.
"Good job I've brought you some lunch then." Diesel held the white plastic bag up as he stepped further into the room, "I'll be out back when you're ready." Winking at me he casually strutted into the kitchen area.
A flush came over my body and my mouth went dry with shock by his surprise visit. CJ chucked at my obvious discomfort but I quickly glanced at Spike as he watched Diesel walk past him and into the back room. I couldn't read the expression on his face as he briefly glanced in my direction before continuing with his work.

I finished CJ's tattoo and cleaned my area before going in search of Diesel. The backroom consisted of a kitchenette, containing a small oval table with four chairs and a comfortable sofa bed positioned at the back of the room, next to the door leading to the bathroom. It was clean and practical but was missing a woman's touch, this was something I was going to rectify over the next couple of weeks.
"So what brings you here?" I asked nervously as I washed my hands and gathered two plates.
"I was hungry." Diesel said with a smile on his gorgeous face. "How's it gone so far this morning?"
I turned to see him stuffing a ham sandwich into his beautiful mouth and instantly imagined it on various parts of my body. He looked up from his sandwich catching me staring at him, I mentally kicked myself feeling a slight blush to my cheeks as I found it hard to hide my embarrassment.
"It's been great, I've always wanted to be a tattooist but haven't had the opportunity to do it until now." I quickly stopped myself from babbling further, Diesel had a way of extracting information from me and I wasn't ready to share.
"So where did you train? You obviously have a talent for it and you don't just learn that overnight." Diesel put his sandwich down, his eyes searching mine. I had his full attention and he was waiting for me to explain.
"I had friends who spotted my talents for drawing and they introduced me to tattooing, I wanted to work in their shop but I wasn't allowed." I could see Diesel pondering on my answer.
"Did your parents stop you?" He was looking at me intently.
"Yeah, something like that. Do you want a drink?" Not waiting for a response, I stood and walked over to the cabinet to retrieve two glasses.
"You don't like talking about your past much do you?" I turned to see the concern on his face, I gave him a weak smile and poured the two glasses of orange squash. Thankfully, he saw my discomfort and changed the subject, "Obviously the main reason I came here was to have lunch but I also wanted to invite you to a party on Saturday." He must have seen my hesitation, "It's a big get together at the clubhouse, you can meet the rest of the club members before you leave your mark on them permanently and I think it will be good for business." He said with slight humour in his voice, as he slowly looked me up and down.
I smiled shyly and quickly glanced at my watch, noticing that I had ten minutes before my next appointment.
"I'd like that Diesel, thank you." His creased face lifted a little as the tension left his body. He must have been worried as to what my response would be which I thought was strange. Why would he give a shit?

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang