Twenty-Eighth Chapter

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❝I'm not sure this is a world I belong in anymore. I'm not sure that I want to wake up.❞ 

- Gayle Forman

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

I woke up to the horrible sound of my ring tone. My phone had been ringing for the last half an hour, but I did not have the courage nor the will in me to see who it was.

I opened my eyes only to be met by the blinding white colour of my room's ceiling. I felt and most probably looked like shit, but that's a given, knowing the fact that I drowned my sorrows in alcohol again. I knew my parents were going to lynch me when they found out I took their expensive alcohol, but that was the least of my worries right now.

I was an absolute mess, but you already knew that.

I swear, at this point my constant downfall is to be expected, whenever things are looking up, they end up plummetting straight into the ground, ever since that damn teacher came into my life. 

Fuck him.

And fuck my phone for not shutting the fuck up, I just wanted to sleep and not be bothered for a few days. I royally fucked up and now I had to pay the price. 

Seriously, what am I going to do? I fell in love with my English teacher and he knows. He knows.

I raised concerns about this ever since I figured out that my feelings were real, but I was never smart enough to keep my distance and stop neglecting the future. Now, I completely jeopardized a friendship with one of the only people in my life that were there for me.

I sighed and sat up in my bed. I didn't even bother getting out of my clothes before passing out, I smelled like death itself, the pungent smell of alcohol had already corrupted my sheets, guess I'll need to wash them again.

My head was ringing and my stomach wasn't sitting well with me, now that I look at the bottles on my bedroom floor, I know why. There was an awkward feeling in my throat that wouldn't go away and soon my stomach acted out on me. I hopped out of bed quickly and dashed straight to my bathroom, puking my guts out.

A lovely way to start the year, wasn't it?

During all of this mess, my stupid phone wouldn't stop ringing and I knew I had to make it stop somehow. I didn't dare to even look at who it was, if I did, I would've already put it on silent a long time ago.

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