"Oi Felix! Are you still getting crap for your freckles?" Changbin stormed into the practice room, beelining it for his friend. Over the past few months, Felix had been getting comments from other trainees and even instructors about his freckles, that he should cover them up with makeup or even try for laser surgery to see if that worked. Boyoung had even ambushed him in the toilets, trying to scrub them off with a paper towel before Changbin intervened.

"Not really? It's been okay the last few days." Felix said, cracking his knuckles absently. Changing sighed and dropped down next to the younger boy, fiddling with his phone.

"Just thought I'd ask. You better prepare yourself." He muttered before raising his voice. "Yah Han Jisung! Your best friend is a psycho!" Jisung laughed, waving his phone in the air.

"I know, isn't she great?" He said before his grin dropped as Hyunjin walked into the room with Taeha. "Oi Taya, you absolute hero. Man why didn't I think of this?" Taeha laughed, moving over to drape herself over her best friend. The hood of her jacket was still up, covering her face as the two giggled and knocked their foreheads together, murmuring quietly. Felix wrinkled his nose in confusion before looking away as Chan and Woojin walked into the room.

"Seungminnie and Jeongin are running late and Minho has a dental appointment so it's just us for now." Chan announced, hooking his phone up to the speaker. "Hyunjin do you wanna run our warm up then we'll-Taeha what the hell did you do to your face?" Felix felt his neck pop as he whipped back to focus on the ever touchy TaeSung couple. And promptly turned bright red.

Taeha had spots on her face. Taeha had freckles on her face. Freckles which were certainly not there yesterday.

Kang Tae Ha had freckles just like his.

She grinned and out her hands in a flower pose beneath her chin as Jisung waved jazz hands behind her in some demented form of a businessman showcasing his latest model.

"I liked Yongbokkie's freckles and I wanted some so I made them." She said, which absolutely did not make Felix's heart burst. "Aren't they cute? Sungie is gonna do them with me tomorrow."

"Absolutely not." Chan said. Taeha dropped her pose immediately, her hands fisting at her sides instead.

"And why not?" She asked waspishly. "Are they not pretty? Are you gonna say that to Yongbokkie? That freckles aren't pretty and he should cover them up?" Felix spotted the exact moment Chan understood what was going on, it was like a lightbulb went on inside him.

"Taeha please don't tell me this is some weird form of a protest?" He said tiredly. "I really cannot with you sometimes." Taeha giggled and saluted.

"This is exactly some weird form of protest." She said happily. "Woojin oppa helped me this morning, I wanted to make them realistic but very obvious. Also, I'm sick of having to defend Felix. See if they have the balls to say something about me to my face." She laughed again as Chan sent a betrayed look at the oldest boy. Woojin shrugged and calmly walked away, affectionately tugging on Taeha's hair as he passed her.

"I figured this was the safest route." He said, dropping his bag down. "This way she's not getting reprimanded for fighting a boy who is much larger and older than her," He sent a pointed look at Taeha, who determinedly ignored it. "And she gets to have freckles, which she has wanted since Felix joined us."

"Really?" Felix asked softly, standing up. Taeha turned to him beaming. "What the f- why? Now you're gonna get in trouble." Taeha shook her head, still beaming as the Australian boy moved towards her.

"No I won't. Because if I get called out then I'm gonna make them say exactly what they think about freckles and then I'm gonna verbally destroy them." She said, threading her fingers with his as he stopped in front of her. "Because I am sick and tired of hearing people call your freckles blemishes or telling you to cover them up. I think they are beautiful and they look like you have stars on your cheeks and I want stars on my cheeks too."

SKZ 10th : Gemini SummersWhere stories live. Discover now