Chapter 10 - Coronation.

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You sat in your room, playing with the child to keep her calm. She couldn't have been more the five years old.

"Queen (y/n)? will i see my family again?" The child asked. You smiled are her and picked her up, placing her in your lap. You no longer wore the dress but Ratigan had given you a simple skirt and top to wear.

"Yes little one. I promise you." You say. The child leaned on you and closed her eyes, falling a sleep soon after. Your smile faded. it was the next day and you know the father had posted the marriage in the paper, it was only a matter of time before Ratigan walked in and told you the news. You heard laughing and the door then opened, waking the small child.

"It is done. I will soon be the new King of Mousedom!" He screams and laughs. You hold the child close as she cries. 

"Come and take that brat with you. We have a coronation to go to!" Ratigan says. You move off the bed and pick the child up, holding her. As you walk over, he rips the child from your arms, who screams. 

"Just in case my wife decides to run off, I will carry the brat." He says. You wanted to protest, but that could harm the child's life so you gave a small nod.

"Yes Ratigan." You said and followed him. As you walked to the palace, you didn't see a single mouse. You thought that was strange until you got closer to the palace. You then saw mice lining up to get in.  

"We have arrived." Ratigan announces and all the mice stop and turn, becoming silent. You follow Ratigan in and you see the room filled with mice. you saw Aunty sitting on her chair, your parents next to her and the childs family next to them. Ratigan doesn't stop walking till hes at the foot on the stairs and your standing next to him. 

"Ratigan. i see you brought my niece and the child. Did you perhaps forgot the marage licence between you and (y/n)?" The queen asked. Ratigan smirks and took out the paper.

"I did not. We are legally bound." Ratigan says. You see Aunty looks sad. 

"Mommy! Daddy!" The child whines and reachs for them. They take a step forward but Ratigan pulls her back a bit the family stops.

"Not just yet. first, the coronation." Ratigan says. The Queen nods and walks down the steps.

"As the Queen of Mousedom, I hereby name (y/n) the new Queen of..." The Queen starts but the child screams, making everyone stop and the child's parents cry out. Ratigan has her arm and is bending it slightly.

"Not her your Majesty. Me. Unless you want this childs arm to be broken." He says and bends it and the child screams again.

"Alright!" The queen shouts. Ratigan lets the girls arm go but still has a hold of her. 

"As the Queen of Mousedom, I hereby name Ratigan the new King of Mousedom." The Queen says. Ratigan bends down jsut a bit and she places a crown on his head. He then drops the child, who runs to her family. 

"Finally!" He laughs. He then grabs you by the arm and drags you up the stairs. Once at the top, he turns and sits on the throne. The girls family sneak out the back before Ratigan does anything else to them

"My first act as king, the removeal of the old queen and her family, except my wife. Gaurds!" Ratigan yells. The guards look horrified but grab your parents and Aunty, dragging them from the room. 

"No! Please Ratigan, please!" You cry out. He growls at you and grads you, making you sit next to him.

"You will be quiet. Next, the taxations." He says and smiles. 

"Will not be happening!" A voice rings out and Ratigan looks around. You see a mouse run up to the stairs and you couldn't help be see how handsome he was. 

"Basil!" Ratigan snarls.      

The Case of the Missing Niece! (Basil x reader) | CompleteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz