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The idea of knowing that there's a person that's mine , that everything i do and every step i take will eventually lead me to him .
It warms my heart .
To know that someone will always be there for me through the sweet and sorrow. 
To know that life won't be as tasteless as it is now without him .
To know that I'll get to feel again ..
Isn't it beautiful
Isn't waiting for this person a good reason to stay alive
And if he doesn't come I'll say I held on to life for him
Isn't the wait worth it though ?
Because once i find him everything will make sense .
I have a lot of things that I wanna say to him .
"Come fast please , life is becoming tasteless and meaningless and I have no will or reason to live .
I don't know who are but I want you here .. no .. I need you here .
I miss you already ..
And I love you already.."

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