"I know you're not going to throw it away, and if you gave it away your first choice would be me but I wouldn't accept it..." Shuichi took out his lunch box and opened it, rummaging for a couple seconds before pulling out some carrots, "These are low in calories, right? Well... they're healthy too so at least you'll have vitamins."

I stared at the sealed container of carrots for a while before hesitantly taking them, Shuichi watching as I slowly opened them and started eating them. How much did this guy know already? I was supposed to be the Ultimate Predictor and be able to read others, but as the Ultimate Detective he was unreadable and always an enigma.

"...How did you know I was here?" I asked. I'd purposefully not told him where I hid in case he'd done what he was doing now, though I was secretly liking that he'd go out of his way to be so kind to me but I'd never admit that to him.

"You weren't at the cafeteria for a few days so I knew you were hiding out somewhere, and you mentioned that your teacher was being nice so I figured you'd gravitate towards her..." Shuichi explained a bit shyly. He truly did have the skills of an Ultimate Detective to notice and remember all that, and then make the connections.

"Makes sense," I almost bitterly remarked, though it wasn't that I was spiteful. I just felt stupid for not covering my tracks a little better.

There was an awkward silence as I ate and Shuichi joined me, though I was done long before he was. I threw away my trash and returned to my corner, not saying a word because I didn't know how to break the silence. Plus, I still had to add my calories to my tracker. If I went over 500 then I'd subtract my 'debt' from the next day's limit or evenly distribute it between a group of days depending on the circumstances. Plus, I had to always leave a couple hundred calories open in case I needed to eat in front of somebody to 'prove' I was eating.

"Shaun... did you cut yourself yesterday?" Shuichi suddenly asked, and that question honestly kind of rattled me.

"Um... yeah... how'd you know...?" I awkwardly smiled, that was one of my nervous ticks.

"You've been wincing in pain whenever you touch your leg, meaning there's a fresh wound... unless you happened to get a bruise that means you probably cut yourself..." Shuichi sighed.


"You did it during this time yesterday, didn't you...?" Shuichi looked a little hurt, and the question startled me.

"Wh-?! H-how...?!" I trailed off, feeling a couple of tears in my eyes.

"Shaun... you can't do that... we all care about you and it breaks our hearts that you'd take advantage of being alone..." Shuichi sounded like he might cry any second, which just made me also want to cry.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I shook my head and hugged my knees to my chest and began to tense up, feeling guilty as ever for my actions. I'd felt guilty enough when I did them but I was feeling that guilt all over again.

"Hey... calm down... I just want you to promise me you'll never do that again, and never break the promise and hurt yourself after that..." Shuichi hesitantly patted my shoulder a little, making me look up for a second to see an expression of compassion and genuine worry.

Could I keep this promise? Wouldn't I just break it like every other one I've done...? I'm tired of breaking so many promises I intend to keep...

"Please promise me..." Shuichi repeated himself, though softer.

I had to promise him... I had to keep it, and make sure I did...

"I... I promise I won't hurt myself ever again..." I sincerely promised, already feeling a bit of extra security at my promise. I looked up for a second once more to see relief, which made me relieved.

"Thank you..." Shuichi mumbled. I was a little confused why he would say that but I didn't question it.

"C-can I have a hug...?" I bashfully asked, twiddling with my fingers as I expected a no. But to my surprise, I was responded to with a pair of arms wrapping around my frame securely from the side. Wasn't that an awkward position for Shuichi...?

I used the one arm I could to hug him back, aware of how it would look if I turned to face him. After a few seconds the hug was released, and though it was the afternoon during a school day I was starting to feel drowsy.

"Thank you..." I gratefully met his eyes for the third time.

"Anything to make you happy..." Shuichi softly smiled, and I suddenly yawned.

"I'm tired... can you wake me when the bell rings?" I asked.

"Sure," Shuichi chuckled slightly, and I put my school bag down like a pillow.

"Thank chu..." I closed my eyes and allowed the world of sleep to take over me.
Word count: 1556

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