Week 1: Sunday

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My day started off with a crazy buzz from my alarm clock and the bright, yellow sun peeking through my half closed blinds. Groaning, I stuck my arm out from beneath the covers and pounded the alarm to shut it up. I needed to go grocery shopping that day; however, sleep was most important.

After a few more times, it finally stopped buzzing and fell on the floor with a loud bang. Sighing in relief, I snuggled under the sheets once more and drifted off to sleep.

My thoughts were suddenly clouded with a soft pink aura and I was too surprised to do anything. Looking around, I could only see white and rosy clouds covering every inch of my dream. My eyes quickly turned to a figure walking towards me.

Squinting, I saw it was a boy.

I've seen many boys in my life, but none caught my attention as much as he did. He was perfect. His emerald green eyes shone with brightness and his smile was so genuine. He opened his arms, almost as if he was welcoming me into his embrace.

As my hand reached out to touch him, darkness washed over my vision and I saw nothing once more.


I trudged home from the market in fatigue. Wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep, I continued walking and urge my feet to move faster. In my hands, I carried two bags of vegetables and instant ramen. Hopefully they'll last me this week before I have to get up and go back again.

I was so focused on getting home that I didn't notice the person I bumped into until it was too late. Our heads collided and I stumbled backwards onto the ground; my groceries scattered around me. Full of frustration, I looked up to see who clumsily got in my way until my eyes met emerald green ones.

     "I'm so sorry." His eyes full of concern, "Are you okay?"

I couldn't speak. It was Adrien Agreste! The famous boy model who went to the same school as I did. My room is covered in his posters. I was so captivated by his face that I finally realized he was the boy I saw in my dreams. Was this fate? I believe it was. At that time, nothing mattered. Not the groceries on the ground or the fact that I was staring wide eyed at him.

     "Can you get up?" The boy asked and then gently pulled me off the ground by my hands. He then reached for my bag of groceries and handed them to me.

     "T-Thank you." I managed to get out. The strands of my hair fell over my face as I blushed in embarrassment.

     He smiled at me, "I'm Adrien. What's your name?"

Adrien. The name sounded so sweet to hear out loud. I cleared my throat, but before I could reply, a voice called from the distance.

     "Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll see you around!" He quickly gave me a wave goodbye and hurried off to the source of the sound.

     "Goodbye." I whispered. Placing my hand on my chest, I felt my heart beat rapidly. My face still flushed in embarrassment, but I was smiling. Adrien... He was definitely the one I saw in my dream.


Alya: Hey Mari

Marinette: Alya! You won't believe what happened to me this morning!

Alya: Let me guess.. you bumped into that popular model, Adrien Agreste?

Marinette: Yes! Well, I'm not surprised you would know

Alya: Speaking of which, I need to tell you some information about who the girl he was walking with..

Marinette: A girl?

Alya: Yes, her name is Chloe Bourgeois, she's the daughter of the mayor. She has a crush on him. She believes in the myth about the Eiffel Tower in the town square.

Marinette: The myth.. that if you confess your love to someone under the tower on a Friday, they're sure to accept your feelings?

Alya: Correct

Marinette: But why are you telling me this?

Alya: I'm sure you want to get rid of her as much as I do

Marinette: Yes I do

Alya: Good. If you need anything, send me some pictures of Ladybug for my blog and in return I'll get you anything you need

Marinette: Deal. Thanks Alya

Alya: No problem, pleasure doing business with you


Marinette placed her phone on her bed and went to her shrine full of Adrien's belongings. She had posters covering every inch of her wall, his magazines piled up in a corner, and she even had a lock of his golden blonde hair.

She smiled to herself then quickly remembered the Chloe girl. Her eyes narrowed and her lips curled into an emotionless frown as she stared intently at one of Adrien's posters. He was so beautiful. So perfect. And she wanted him all to herself.

     "Don't worry my kitty." She whispered to the poster, stroking it from top to bottom, "I won't let anything happen to you. You are forever mine and nothing's gonna stop me."

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