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Albert Fish was a small, gentle-looking man who appeared kind and trusting.

Yet once alone with his victims, the monster inside him was unleashed, a monster so perverse and cruel that his crimes seem unbelievable.
He eventually was executed and, according to rumors, turned his execution into a fantasy of pleasure.

In 1898 he married and fathered six children. The kids led average lives until 1917, when Fish's wife ran off with another man. At that time they recalled Fish occasionally asking them to participate in his sadomasochistic games. In one such game he asked the children to paddle him with the nail-filled paddle until blood ran down his legs. He also enjoyed pushing needles deep into his skin.

After his marriage ended, Fish wrote to women listed in the personal columns of newspapers, describing in graphic detail the sexual acts he would like to share with them. The descriptions were so vile and disgusting that they were never made public, although they later were submitted as evidence in court.


More information in the next chapter.

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