Rose stood next to me as my eyes searched for him everywhere.

"I guess your dear husband is already avoiding you, no wonder he left you here alone. "

"Rose please I am no-"

My words were interrupted when the host asks me to go and call Ashton for our awaiting dance.

I nodded and went out to look for him.


"I will not tolerate this kind of negligence from my staff John! I told you beforehand to physically verify the stock before giving your final confirmation! Now you are saying the entire shipment was rejected!
"No, I need the name of the person who is at fault! No excuses will do John! Contact me when you get the name or consider yourself fired!"

She stood behind him debating whether to interrupt his very important talk or not.

His back looked tense as he ended the call, placing his phone back in his pocket.

Running his hand through his thick locks, he made them messy and loosens the knot of his tie.

He turns around to leave when his angry stare meets mine and irritation swept through his eyes

"What? Why are you here?"

"They.....I mean....we.....are to dance "

His phone again pinged in his pocket and he pulls it out to open up a new message.

His eyes were fixed on the screen as hers were fixed on his sharp features, admiring them as they were being illuminated by his phone's light.

He asked looking up at her.

"Dance.....we are to dance on stage"

"Just skip this bullshit! I am going home already!"

He went past her and she stared at his retreating back in surprise.
Wasn't it necessary to attend to all guests, dance and cut the cake?

"You want to come or no?"

He asked making her come out of her thoughts and follow him blindly.
She bade her adieu to her father and hurried out of the function in between.
The so-called celebration was organized for their wedding.

He was waiting for her in his luxury car, engrossed in his phone.

As soon as she closed the door he started the ignition.
A few minutes passed and she found herself dozing off to sleep, listening to his business talks.

"Hey! wake up and get out!"

He said shaking her awake as she looks around confused, still in a daze of sleep.


"I said get out! I need to go somewhere!"

"But....where shou-"

"Elle I don't have time! Just get out and go inside the house! I will be back in a few hours."

He was not in the mood to talk to her, let alone negotiate.
Nodding she turns to look out of the window to see a big house rather castle welcoming her.
It had big glass windows and everything screamed wealth.

Pulling her long gown out of the car she banged the door close.

Within seconds the car roared to life and as soon as the car moved she felt a pull to her legs.

"Shit! Shit!"

She screamed as she saw the length of her gown still caught in the car door.

Before she could bang on the car for it to stop, a tearing sound was heard and she found her dress getting torn into pieces.

His not so beautiful wifeWhere stories live. Discover now