Chapter Eight - Jensa

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"I'm loyal to you, Master, and I'm going to get you out of here." Jensa knelt as she spoke, and saw Dooku smile smugly.

"Precisely on time, my apprentice." Jensa pulled out a key card she took from a clone she had knocked out, and unlocked the cell. He stood up, brushed a speck off his shoulder, and followed Jensa down the hall. She walked quickly and quietly, her lightsaber not ignited but held ready in her hand. She had already knocked out the clones on the path to Dooku's cell, including the ones in the front office. She stepped inside, used the force to grab Dooku's lightsaber, and handed it to him.

He attached his lightsaber to his belt, and continued following Jensa. When some clones approached, she pushed them back. They had just left the building and were heading to a ship yard when the Jedi caught up with them, about 50 yards behind. Jensa sensed their presence, and suspected Dooku did as well.

"Go Master! I will give you time and hold them off." She spun around to face them.

"Jensa!" Though Obi-Wan was far away, she heard his voice like he was right beside her.

"Ben," she responded quietly. The couple other Jedi and about twenty clones were stopped a few yards behind him.

"Don't do this," he pleaded.

"You know I have to," she said, pushing the trembling out of her voice. "The Order will kill me if I stay."

"No they won't, we can work this out. Don't leave." Her heart broke at the desperation in his voice.

"Ben, I'm sorry. But I have to leave. I'm going to destroy the sith that the Jedi are refusing to see and then I'll fix the Order. We can be together, Ben." His facial expression was hard to read at that distance.


"I know what I'm doing Ben, and I will not fail. I promise you." Instantly she used the Force to push some storage containers their direction, and ran the other way looking for the ship Dooku took.

She was able to sense him in a small passenger cruiser, and jumped on board, closing the hatch behind her. Entering the cockpit, she headed straight for the pilot's chair while Dooku kept still in the passengers seat. She lifted them, and suddenly they were moving up. Below she saw the Jedi and clones. Most of them seemed to be heading to ships in order to chase them, but Obi-Wan stood motionless amidst the chaos, staring up at her. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as they moved up and out of the atmosphere, and she could no longer see him.

"Where are we going, Master?" She asked.

I will probably not work on this story for a while. If you have suggestions, or ideas you want to see for Jensa, let me know in the comments. Remember to vote if you liked it and comment with feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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