Chapter 4

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Saturday night passed, and, early in the morning, Prince Harry was already at his brother's part of the palace.

First, he went to his girlfriend's bedroom to wish her a good day, and, after, he tried to talk to Amy, who was getting ready for breakfast, but, as expected, she was still mad and sent him away.

Harry: What do I do now?

Kate: Harry, I think it will be better if you let her sleep here, again.

Harry: She has class tomorrow.

Kate: I can leave her tomorrow when I'm leaving George at school. She has uniforms here. It's gonna be okay... In a week, Meghan will be discharged.

Harry: Okay. I think I should go now. I'll just stay with Meg for a while, but I won't be long. Thank you, really, for everything you do for her.

Kate: No problem. You know she's my daughter, too.

Harry: I know. You're more her mother than Ava is. Bye.

Kate: Bye.

A few minutes passed, and Amy had breakfast with her aunt and cousins, George and Charlotte. Meghan's breakfast was served in her room, as she was avoiding walking.

Kate: As your father will be away all day, I thought we could do something together. What about a movie?

Amy: Sounds good, Aunty. We can watch in thirty minutes. Could you ask someone to bring my school supplies, since I'll be sleeping here tonight?

Kate: I'll ask your housekeeper to separate, and the driver will bring it.

Amy: Thank you.

Kate: No problem, pearl. Well, I was thinking you could go into Meghan's room and ask how she's doing.

Amy: Why? It was her fault Pa yelled at me.

Kate: No, that's not her fault, Amy. Your father was wrong to accuse you, but Meghan has no fault. She's is in pain, darling. I visited her today, and she's quite better, but still in pain. It would be good if she had someone to talk with.

Amy: Okay... In which ward she is?

Kate: She's in ward 2.

Amy: Then I'll go right now

Kate: Okay.

Meanwhile, Meghan was trying to sleep, unsuccessfully because of the headache.

Meghan: Come in.

Amy: Hi. If you want, I can come back later

Meghan was surprised to see her there.

Meghan: Of course you can stay.

Amy: So, my aunt asked me to see if you were okay. How are you feeling?

Meghan: I guess I'm okay. But it seems this headache doesn't want to leave me. Thanks for coming.

Amy: That's fine. Do you need something?

Meghan: Actually, could you give me the water that is in that fridge and the medicine that is on the table? It's for headache.

Amy: Sure.

Amelia handed Meghan a glass of water and the pill she asked for.

Meghan: Thank you.

Amy: You're welcome. So... I'll let you rest. Let me know if you need something.

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