Chapter 2

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Everything was going well until ...

My dad decided to set up a dinner to introduce me to his new girlfriend: Meghan Markle, a successful Hollywood actress.

Amelia: Pa, I knew that eventually you would start dating again, I just didn't think it would be that soon. Don't you think it's too early yet? Look, you and mum broke up less than a year ago...

Harry: I know, honey, but your mother and I still get along very well. And I promise you will love Meghan. She is an amazing woman. Your mother already knows her and they got along very well.

Amelia: Pa, I don't want to meet her. Do I really need to go to this dinner?

Harry: Amy, my love, I've told you several times, you will go to this dinner. Now, ask one of the maids to help you get ready.

Amelia: I can't believe you're really going to make me meet this woman.

Amy leaves her father's office and slams the door in annoyance.

A few hours later, Amelia was in a beautiful dress, ready for the long-awaited dinner.

Harry: Remember, Amy, treat her well, I really love her so much, and besides my daughter, you're royalty, so act like it.

Amy: Okay! But, I don't promise to like her.

A few minutes later, Meghan entered through the great gates of the Royal Palace and was led to the dining room.

Harry: Hi!

Harry said with great excitement.

Meghan: Hi.

Meghan: Is that her?

She asked, referring to Amelia. Although she is royalty, she is not known to the public, because her family, including her great-grandmother, the Queen, wants her to stay away from the media.

Harry: Amy? Come here, honey.

Harry said, asking his daughter to approach him and his girlfriend.

Harry: Amy, this is Meghan.

Meghan: Hi, Amy. Your father told me a lot about you. You are even prettier than he described. It's very nice to meet you.

Meghan didn't reach out, only because she was afraid of Amelia's reaction.

Amy: Hi. Nice to meet you too, Meghan.

Amy said, trying to hide the sadness and the anger, while reaching out to Meghan, to Harry's relief.

Meghan greeted her, also relieved, with a big smile.

As they ate dinner, Harry tried to talk about things Meghan and Amelia have in common.

Harry: Meg, remember you said you liked to ride?

Meghan: Yes.

Harry: So, Amy is an awesome horsewoman... Why don't you ride together on Saturday?

Meghan smiled.

Meghan: Sure! Good idea. I would love it, if it's okay for you.

She said, looking at Amy.

Amy looked at her father as if to say "I don't wanna go", but Harry nodded positively, which forced her to accept.

Amelia: Right.

She said, a little discouraged.

Harry: Great! I will ask one of our drivers to catch you on your hotel on Saturday, then.

Meghan: Okay. I am excited to it, Amy.

Amelia: Pa, you'll go, right?

Harry: No, honey. I will be traveling. Besides that, it will be good for you and Meghan to get closer.

Amy: What about Aunt Kate? Can't she go?

Harry: Amy, she must have lots of important events to go.

Amy: Okay... But I miss her. Can I see her after the horse ride?

Harry: That's okay for me. Meg, can you take her there? It's just across the palace, but I haven't had time to take her there.

Meghan: Of course.

Amy: Can I go to my bedroom?

Harry: Why, honey? The desert hasn't even been served yet.

Amy: I'm not hungry. Actually, I'm really tired.

Harry: Okay, then. Say goodbye to Meghan.

Amélia: Goodbye.

Meghan: Good night, Amy. See you on Saturday.

Meghan said, gently rising to hug the girl.

Right after that, Amy withdrew and the couple went into the living room.

Harry: I am sorry for her behavior. This is all so new to her.

Meghan: You don't have to apologize, H. I know what she's going through. She even treated better than I imagined. She is a very polite girl. But I really don't want to be someone she doesn't stand. I don't want to force anything, specially because she already doesn't like me.

Harry: I know that over time you will get along.

He said, giving his girlfriend a passionate kiss.

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