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Momo POV

After that talk with Jihyo and Tzuyu, i am motivated to makes things right with me, Sana and Dahyun, i just hope i don't have to break up with Heechul, i really don't want to break his heart. I am currently outside of Sana and Dahyun's bedroom, i hope everything goes well, with that, i knock on the door, i waited a bit then the door opens, it was Sana, at first she looked mad but then she face changed to sad, i guess she saw my red, puffy eyes and knew i was crying. Sana hugs me, when she does i could see into the room, i saw Dahyun sitting in bed, she saw me and gave me an angry look, "what happened Momo?" Sana says as we move out of the hug "i just realized how much of a jerk i was to yous" i say and i to feel the urge to cry again "you were more then a jerk!" Dahyun call out from in the room "i know, can i just come in and i can explain myself, please" i say as i look at both Sana and Dahyun, Sana moves out of the way so i can come in, i walk in then Sana closes the door behind us. Sana sits down "so, the reason i acted the way i did was because i was scared, yous wanted to tell people about me being with yous, i didn't want what happened to Mina to happen to me or any of you, i don't think i could handle it if yous were miserable or anxious, it would kill me" i say "well that doesn't explain why you got with Heechul" Dahyun says "so you heard of the that?" i ask, both Dahyun and Sana nod "well, when i broke up with yous, i was so miserable, the only way i could think of curing me of that was being with someone else, i didn't think Heechul would tell people straight away, i didn't realize what i had done until i had a heart to heart conversation with Jihyo and Tzuyu, i know yous hate me, but i am so so so so sorry, i really hope you forgive me" i say, Sana and Dahyun exchange looks then Sana grabs my arm and pulls me down to her height and kisses me on the lips, once we separate, Sana says "of course we forgive you" i smile, i can't believe they forgave me. I look at Dahyun and she is smiling, so it wasn't just Sana's answer, i am so happy "thank you, i love yous both so much" i say "we love you too" Dahyun says, Dahyun moves over to the side of the bed where me and Sana are and we have a group hug "wait, we still have a problem, what about Heechul?" Dahyun asks "well, Jihyo told me about this thing called an open relationship, it is basically some one who is in more than one relationship at once with everyone involved's consent, so if i have your consent, i won't have to break Heechul's heart" Momo says "so i would have to share you with another person? nooooo!" Dahyun says "only with you guys consent, if not then i'll break up with Heechul" i say, once again Sana and Dahyun exchange looks "we give consent" Sana says with a smile, Dahyun then sighs "fine, its gonna be hard, its already hard enough sharing you with one person, but i know you don't want to hurt Heechul, so we consent" Dahyun says, we have another group hug "so how did yous find out about me and Heechul?" i ask as we separate "oh, we heard you and Tzuyu arguing" Sana says "were we really that loud?" i ask, out of no where the door opens, we look at the door then Chaeyoung's head peaks in "yes, yous were that loud, i woke up to it and i thought we had gone into World War III, luckily Tzuyu came in and explained what was going on" Chaeyoung says, the door opens a bit more and Tzuyu was there "are you back together?" Tzuyu asks, we nod "did they give consent for the open relationship thing?" Tzuyu asks, we nod again, Tzuyu smiles and cheers then she walks away "yous better hurry up and get to the kitchen, Nayeon and Jeongyeon are in a good mood and are making us pancakes for breakfast, THIS IS A RARE MOMENT NO ONE CAN MISS!!!!" Chaeyoung says then she walks away. Me, Sana and Dahyun get changed and head to the kitchen to watch Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Well, it went good, the only thing left is to try and get Heechul's consent. 


I am currently waiting at a restaurant, i told Heechul to meet me here cause i had to ask him something important, i was going to ask for his consent to keep seeing Sana and Dahyun (in case that wasn't already obvious) and if she doesn't consent, i didn't want to break up with him over the phone. After a bit of waiting Heechul finally arrives, he was happy, that was going to make it harder to break up with him if it comes to it, "hey babe, how are you going" Heechul as he approaches me and gives me a kiss on the cheek "nothing i just have a very important question, its about us" i say as Heechul sits down at the table with me "what about us?" Heechul asks "so, there is something i gotta tell you first, before i agreed to start dating you, i was in a relationship with Sana and Dahyun, they wanted to tell people that i was also part of this relationship, i was scared that what happened to Mina when her, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu came out would happen to me, so i broke up with them" i started, "oh ok..." Heechul said then i cut him off "no, i'm not done yet, after i broke up with them, i felt empty, unloved and thats why i agreed to date you" i said "so, i was just a replacement for Sana and Dahyun?" Heechul asked "kinda, but i do like a lot, earlier this morning i kinda got back with Sana and Dahyun" i said "wait, are you breaking up with me?" Heechul asks "no, this is where the question comes in" i said, Heechul leans his back in his seat "so, Jihyo told me about this thing called an open relationship, its basically, if i have your's, Sana's and Dahyun's consent, i can be in a relationship with Sana and Dahyun and also keep seeing you, so the question is, can i have your consent" i asked, Heechul looked shocked "has Sana and Dahyun given you consent?" Heechul asked "yes" i answered "and if i don't give consent, then what?" Heechul asks "well, i told them if you don't give consent, i will break up with you, i really don't want to do that but i really love Sana and Dahyun" i said "... ok, i give consent" Heechul says then smiles, i smile back. I am so glad he gave consent, i had lunch with Heechul then i went back to the dorm to tell Sana and Dahyun the news, then we told the members about what was going on, they were happy for me. We knew there was one more problem, Once knew about only me and Heechul, and if we tell them about the open relationship we would get criticized, we just decided to keep things the way they are now, with Once knowing that Sana and Dahyun are in a relationship and me and Heechul are in a relationship, maybe one day we can tell Once that i am with Sana and Dahyun too, but not now.

Something new MiChaeTzu (the last expansion from anything for you chingu)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat