I Am So Sorry, I Love You❤❤

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Chaeyoung POV

As i take a seat on the other side of  Nayeon Tzuyu asks what is wrong to Nayeon, "Nayeon, whats wrong?" Tzuyu says "Jeongyeon is right... about our relationship dying, i just really don't to believe it" Nayeon looks at Tzuyu and says "i don't want to lose her, i hate that i was being mean to her and i would talk to her but i just really thought we were doing really good until she brang up the idea of taking it slow then i remember all the time where our relationship was starting to take a turn for the worst..." after saying that, Nayeon cups her face and starts crying again, both me and Tzuyu hug her, trying to comfort her but she is more devastated about the situation then Jeongyeon is. After Nayeon stopped crying we started helping her plan a way to apologize to Jeongyeon, it has to be special because Nayeon hurt Jeongyeon and Nayeon really loves her and the only reason she did it was because she was scared, kinda like a horse and lighting, Jeongyeon is the rider, Nayeon is the horse and the lightning is their falling relationship, Nayeon gets scared so she kicks Jeongyeon off and runs away. After coming up with the plan me and Tzuyu head out of the room to go to our room, when we step out we see Jeongyeon standing a few feet away from us, her eyes are teary, red and puffy so she was obviously  crying but why. We start walking to Jeongyeon and i ask "Jeongyeon?, what happened?!" Jeongyeon takes steps back and said "I thought i could trust yous, now yous are siding with Nayeon!, SHE IS FOOLING YOUS, WE ARE NOT FINE! i can't believe yous betrayed me!" then she runs away, as we were about to run after her we feel a hand on our shoulders, we turn around and its Nayeon "don't after her, she will be fine, if this plan will work maybe its best yous are as close to her so she won't suspect anything" we understand what Nayeon is saying so we nod and go to our room to get some sleep cause next week is our next concert and the concert will be a special one, for both Nayeon and Jeongyon.

Tzuyu POV

Its a week later and the concert is starting in an hour so me, Chaeyoung and Nayeon have to get a few things done first. Once we have talked to a few people and organised everything for our plan it is 5 minutes till the concert starts so we are all waiting under the stage to go up, i look around, Nayeon is nervouse for the plan, Sana, Dahyun and Momo are just seducing each other, Jihyo is warming up her voice then there was Jeongyeon, she was just waiting but she was still so sad, i feel bad but soon all of this letting her be mad at us is going to pay off, i hope. It is now half way through the concert, Nayeon and Jeongyeon are getting changed and me and Chaeyoung are telling the others about the plan so they don't intervene with it, we also informed the back up dancers about the change of plans for the concert. Nayeon and Jeongyeon go on stage, just when Jeongyeon notices it was only her and Nayeon on stage, the back up dancers get on stage, one half of them follow Nayeon to one side of the stage and the other half drag Jeongyeon to the other side of the stage, once they are in there places 'my ear's candy' starts playing, Jeongyeon looked shocked at first but then she decided to just go with it.

As the song came to an end, i could tell Nayeon was going to try and actually kiss Jeongyeon like that one time in Bangkok but Jeongyeon dodged her and did it like the normal choreography, i could tell that Nayeon was upset about that. When the lights came back on, Nayeon made sure Jeongyeon stayed on stage by holding her wrist, "hello Once!" Nayeon said, Once started cheering and Jeongyeon looked at Nayeon with a confuse face "so, i did something that involves Jeongyeon and i want to tell yous about it" Nayeon said, if Jeongyeon wasn't worried before she is now. "so sadly, me and Jeongyeon have been fighting recently" Once started booing and Nayeon just nodded, letting them let it all out and then she continues "so, the reason we have been arguing is because of me, it was my fault, Jeongyeon wanted to start taking things slow and i didn't treat her right afterwards" Onces goes silent "and i just want to tell Jeongyeon..." Nayeon looks at Jeongyeon who is already starting to cry, "i am so so so sorry" after Nayeon says that, Jeongyeon goes wide eyed and now Nayeon is the one crying "the reason i was mad was because i didn't want to think that our relationship was dying, but i agree with you, we need to start taking things slow..." Jeongyeon starts tearing up and she wraps her arms around Nayeon and gives her a massive hug as Nayeon continues to talk "i was just so scared of losing you i didn't think of anything else so me, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung, we planned for us to perform my ear's candy and in case you didn't know, i tried to perform it with was but passion as i can because i love you so very much" Jeongyeon lets go of Nayeon and looks her in the eyes and says "i love you too" and then they share a kiss, Once goes crazy for it and once they separated they hug each other again, me and Chaeyoung decide to run up on stage and join the hug. After we all separate Jeongyeon looks at us and says "so, yous didn't betray" we both shook out head with smiles on our faces because the plan worked. Jihyo, Sana, Dahyun and Momo join us on stage so we can finish the concert, the rest of the concert was filled with passion from 2yeon because even though they were taking this slow they kissed each other like 10 times in between songs.

Chaeyoung POV

The concert went amazingly, Nayeon and Jeongyeon are no longer fight and are... well at least trying to take things slow, that night before going to sleep me and Tzuyu call Mina, she said she saw everything that happened one TV and she is so proud of us for helping our friends, we saved their relationship and to be honest, i'm proud of us too.


thanks for reading, 2yeon's relationship was saved thanks to chaetzu. I am really running out of ideas so PLEASE, if you have ideas, PLEASE tell me, cause to be honest i can't keep this up if i can't think of anything and now days i don't have time to think of any because i have assessments and stuff i have to do for school so PLEASE, give me something to work with. Thanks you for reading.

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