We've Missed You So Much

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Tzuyu POV

MINA IS COMING BACK TO TWICE, After the Halloween concerts, Mina had to go back to Japan but a week ago, Mina messaged manager nim saying she is feeling better and she is coming back, me and Chaeyoung had never felt more excited in our lives. Twice is currently on a plane to Japan, Mina is going to be part of  the concert, me, Chaeyoung, Nayeon and Jeongyeon are sitting in the middle of the plane, Nayeon is in between Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon because of what happened with her stalker buy a ticket to be on the safe flight as us then he tried to approach Nayeon, she has been scared of strangers on flights ever since so she always sits in between the members so she feels safe. Me and Chaeyoung can't wait to see Mina again, after we are finished in Japan, Mina will be coming back to Korea with us, i just can't believe Mina is feeling better after all this time, sometimes i feel like we shouldn't have to Once about us, then Mina might not have gotten anxiety, sometimes i feel like its my fault that all this happened, if i hadn't of kissed Mina for the first time then i wouldn't of fallen in love with her then her and Chaeyoung would still be together, maybe i would have even gotten with Sana. As i am daydreaming, the pilot over the speak cuts me out of it "we will be landing in Japan in a bit, i would like all passengers to put your seat belts on" the pilot says, i put my seat belt on, then that's when i start to feel nervous, i know it hasn't been that long since we have seen Mina but, after thinking about Mina's anxiety being my fault, i feel like seeing her is a bad idea, why do i let myself think these things and make myself feel like crap, i do it without even realizing and its not good for me nor my relationship with Mina and Chaeyoung, i really need to stop this. Time skip, it is the next day, tonight is the concert, we are back stage preparing, i am currently getting changed. While getting changed, i was low key having a panic attack about seeing Mina because of what i was thinking about on the plane yesterday, i do not know if seeing Mina is a good idea, it was my fault she got anxiety in the first place, i can't do it. As i was panicking, i heard a knock on the door, "who is it" i call out, i got no answer, there was another knock, "Who is it!" i yelled, still no answer, instead the door slowly started to open, i was getting scared someone might have snuck in back stage and was about to kill me. Once the door was wide open, i saw who it was, it was Mina, "why are you yelling at me, did i do something wrong?" Mina said with a smile on her face, i didn't know if i should hug her or fall into tears, i just stood there frozen, "Tzuyu, are you ok?" Mina asked in a worried way, i just couldn't respond, i don't know why, was i having an anxiety attack? Before i knew it, Mina had me in her arm and comforting me, "Tzuyu, please don't do what i did, PLEASE ANSWER ME!" Mina yelled.

Chaeyoung POV

I hear Mina yelling, last i checked she was going to surprise Tzuyu, i got worried so i ran to Tzuyu changing room to see Mina and Tzuyu sitting on the ground, Mina was hugging Tzuyu and Tzuyu wasn't moving an inch, i started to cry, "whats wrong with her?" i ask Mina, "she ins't moving or talking" Mina said with tears rushing down her face, i run to Mina and Tzuyu and join Mina is hugging her, trying to get her to come back. As we are starting to feel like what we are doing is hopeless, Sana walks in and sees us, "whats wrong with Tzuyu?" Sana says, "we don't know, she isn't moving or talking" i say, "wait, Tzuyu does this having have something to do with what you were thinking about on that plane?" Sana asked, Tzuyu nodded, "how do you know what she was thinking about on the plane, i was right next to her" i said, "i could see on her face, she looked sad and panicked" Sana said, "Tzuyu, what were you thinking about on the pla..." i was saying but Mina cut me off, "it's my fault" Mina said, "what do you mean?" i asked, "she started acting like this when she saw me, it's my fault!" Mina said, "no it can't be your fault Mina!" i said as Mina cried more, "NO, IT'S MY FAULT!" Mina said. Tzuyu breaks out of our hug, she goes back into a hug with Mina and held her tight, "it was not your fault" Tzuyu said, "it was me, i was thinking the reason you had a panic attack was because i fell in love with you, if i hadn't of kiss you for the first time, then wouldn't have fallen in love with you and if i hadn't of fallen in love with you, we wouldn't have told Once about the 3 of us then you wouldn't of had your panic attack, you and Chae would still be together and everything would have been ok, but i made this happen, it is my fault" Tzuyu said, both me and Mina looked at her and hugged her as tight as we could, "don't you ever think that Tzu, being with both of you was the best thing to have ever happened to me, yeah i had a panic attack but if it meant i didn't lose yous, i would have another one in a heart beat, i love you both so much, i don't care what anyone says" Mina said, the three of us were just a crying mess. We hugged and cried it out then we got our make up fixed then we performed a good concert.


sorry for the wait for the update, i wasn't able to find the time to update, this is going to be the last chapter of Something New, i haven't been able to think on ideas so i doubt i will update on my other stories either, unless you have an idea, bye and thanks for reading this series.

Something new MiChaeTzu (the last expansion from anything for you chingu)Where stories live. Discover now