Halloween Special🎃

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Mina POV
I'm back in Korea, not for long, JYP has given me permission to attend a Twice Halloween meet and greet + a few performances, I won't be in all of them due to my anxiety but I will be in some, as long as my members are by my side, I should be ok. The thing is, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung don't know that I'm coming, I wanted it to be a surprise and other members are helping me with that. I plan on surprising them while they are getting their make up done, because they are getting more make up on for their costumes then me, it would be perfect. I didn't want my costume to be as big because this is the first time I'm performing since my anxiety attack so I didn't want to go over the top with that I look like so manager nim, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo came up with a way my costume can go well with what the other members are doing and also go easy on me. I am currently getting changed into my costume, I am so excited to see my girlfriends again, I have missed them so much. After i finished getting changed, Nayeon and Jihyo were waiting for me cause they already got their costumes on and got their make up done so they can be there when i surprise them and Jeongyeon said she was gonna record it. Me, Nayeon and Jihyo went to the make up room, Jihyo went first and told the make up artists to block the mirror that was in front of them so they won't see me coming, they did what Jihyo asked and sent in from of the mirror. Jihyo signaled to come in so me and Nayeon quietly walk in and i see Jeongyeon take her phone out and start recording while she is still getting her make up done. As i got closer and closer to Tzuyu and Chaeyoung who were sitting next to each other, i got more and more nervous until i was right behind them, i wanted to act chill when i surprised them so i put my hands on their shoulders "yous look so good in your costumes" i said, i saw both of them go wide eyed, they turned around in their seats and they looked so surprised, the mission was a success. They got up and gave me the biggest hug ever as the other members were laughing at their reaction, even though they knew they would mess up their make up, they both gave a big kiss on the lips. After welcoming me, they got their make ups fixed i got mine done then we finished getting ready for the show.

Chaeyoung POV

I CANT BELIEVE MINA IS HERE!!!!! i had no idea she was gonna be here for the concert and i am so glad she is, we missed her so much, me and Tzuyu wouldn't stop talking about how much we wanted Mina to come back and now she is, its sad knowing she isn't staying for long but seeing her for at least one night is enough for me, something is better then nothing. The concert was good, Once were so happy to see Mina again, although she didn't dance much, she did good, we all made sure to stay close to her so if she starts having another anxiety attack again, we will be there to help. The second show came around and i noticed something while waiting back stage for the show to start, Tzuyu and Mina are leaving we out, they on the other side of the room laughing and i don't even think they noticed i wasn't there, that made me sad, is it going back to just mitzu, i don't even know anymore. The starts and even though i am sad and confused i just put on a smile and pretended nothing was wrong i was just happy to have Mina back. After the show, we all got changed and washed the paint and make up off of our faces, Mina had to stay in a hotel with her mum again, Tzuyu was sad and to be honest i didn't know how i felt, i am still not sure about what is going on between the three of us, i know i need to talk to somone. It is currently 1:30am, me and Tzuyu are in bed and Tzuyu is sound asleep so i get up and go to sit down in the living room, i need to be alone to think, who am i gonna ask for advice, what should i do. As i sit there, i start to get more and more tired, just i am about to pass out on the lounge, i hear the door open, at start to think its someone breaking in so i quickly duck down behind the lounge, i hear the door close so i peak my head up to see what is happening and i see Jihyo, when did she leave?! i stand up and look at her, i am still in shock, i couldn't speak so i could inform Jihyo of my presence. Jihyo turns in my direction and jumps "oh my god, Chaeyoung you scared me!!" i finally find my ability to speak "i can say the same to you, where did you go?" Jihyo sat on the lounge and i joined her "i was with Daniel" Jihyo said, "you were with Daniel at 1 in the morning?" Jihyo then says "yes, you got a problem with that?" she said that as if she was angry, i was speechless, something must have happened. Jihyo starts smiling and says "i'm just joking, he took me star gazing and we lost track of time" nodded then Jihyo asks "why are you up this late anyway?" as i remember why i came out here, i wonder if Jihyo is the right person to talk about it with. I decided to just tell her, this is keeping me up and i just need to let it out to someone so i tel Jihyo everything, about Mina and Tzuyu keeping me out, about how i feel. After a while of thinking Jihyo finally speaks "i think you are over reacting" i get shocked "really, how so?" Jihyo then says "well let me tell you this from my perspective, i did notice that you were standing alone beofer the show started and i was standing near Tzuyu and Mina, one of the things they talked about were why you were just standing there and now going to them" as i start to realize Jihyo was right, she speaks again "Chaeyoung, they love you so much and if they found that you were thinking they were leaving you out, how do you think they would feel? i know they would do that to you" i nod, Jihyo is right, why did i have to think these thoughts, Mina and Tzuyu love me, if they didn't them they would tell me. I give Jihyo a hug and thank her for her help then we both go to bed, when i walk into mine and Tzuyu's room, i am  bombarded by kisses given by Tzuyu of course, i guess she heard what me and Jihyo talked about, me and Tzuyu made our way to our bed and make out for a while then Tzuyu finally speaks "i am so sorry for making you feel left out, i know Mina is too" i give Tzuyu another kiss then say "its ok, it was me thinking yous were" we started kissing again until we fell asleep in each other's embrace.



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