You get back.

Then you get hella worried again you were confused about it but now your beginning to see the pattern.

"SOOMIN!!!" You scream loudly as you enter in your house.

You see her.

"Phew! Are you alright Soomin?get up from floor." You say as you go near her.

She smiles at you.

But something is wrong, it seems like Soomin is forcing a smile,her face seems frail and she is holding her right leg very tightly.

She is sweating and it seems like she experiencing alot of Pain.

You look at her phone, it's screen is broken.

it's broken!?

"Soomin what the hell happened!?" You have a gut feeling that she is hiding something from you.

''Nothing.. y/- Ahh!!!" She screams loudly as you touch her right leg.

You see tears near her eyes.

Your petrified.

"So she did fall..." You say to yourself.

"Y-Y/n?" Soomin says while you can see her struggling to speak.

You feel guilty.

You knew everything yet you couldn't save her.

"S-soomin I am sor-sorry." You say stuttering at her condition.

"Y/n, I am fine I jus-" before Soomin completes her sentence you say in teary tone "it's my fault.."

"It's not y/n.. s-see I just tripped fr seventh one, it doesn't e-even hurts." Soomin says while struggling to speak and holding her right leg very tightly.

You gently remove her hand from her hand, and she screams with pain, you see her right leg.

It's red, it's swollen, it seems sprained.

She looks down in other direction to hide her pain but when she feels something wet on her leg she looks at you.

"Y-Y/n you're cr-crying!?" She looks at you in a worried manner she tries to hide her pain.

"I am alr-alrigh-alright." She says while looking down clenching her jaw.

She is lying to you, so you won't get worried about her.

You gently help her stand but she almost loses her control, you hold her back and her hand, tightly giving her a back support to stand.

You take her to the nearest room in your house the guest room, you help her lay down on bed and take off her shoe from left leg, then you immediately stand up and call doctor.

She seems so tired, she is holding her pain and smiling feebly at you, she looks at you as you call the doctor.

You sit next to her, and hold her tiny gentle hand, and look at her.

She tries to smile.

You can't help yourself, you feel a tear escaping your eyes, and soon one tear turns to more, and you begin to cry while holding her hand against your forehead and crying while she just looks at you.

She pats your head and says "Y-Y/n thanks, you've always helped me so much, and I always troubled you..."

You look at her eyes they seem teary to you.

Then you heard the bell, you slowly put down her hand and open the door there was your doctor standing.

She checked Soomin's leg while she cries in pain.

You couldn't bear the sign of her tears, you came outside the room.

"I am so stupid, I could've get here earlier but I didn't." You say to yourself as you feel guilty.

The doctor comes up to you and says "she'll be alright, don't worry, but she did break her leg.. but nothing to worry it'll get better before she knows it."

"Doctor she broke her leg!?" You say loudly.

"Unfortunately yes. She'll get good soon, till that make sure she doesn't walk much, or stresses her body, I'll take my leave now, if you need something than call me anytime." The doctor says as she walks out and you thank her and bow down.

You go in the room where Soomin was laying down,she looks so weak, her right leg was covered with bandages and plaster.

You sit on floor besides her and take her hand in yours, she smiles feebly at you.

You cry near her.

Then you realize something.

"Soomin I can change the time!!! I'll change it to when you weren't hurt, tell me the time." Your face grew happy as you remember your ability.

"No!" She said sternly.

"Don't waste that ability on me, use it for something useful." Soomin commands you.


"No buts, y/n just go and call Dad and tell him about this." She commands you.

You knew that she won't agree to this.

"Alright" you say as you get outside the room.

But instead of calling him you take out your watch and change the time to 2pm.


(Hey guys!!! 😁

So do you liked it better, the watch concept? Anyways so my next episode will be 20!!!

Thank you so much for supporting me so far I hope you keep on supporting me

And I have exams now so I'll update after my exams.

I will now focus on BTS more.)

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