I found you

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- Look Whitney I finally found you - he said when everything about me boiled down in despair, how he found me I did everything so he wouldn't find me including using my mother's name all over so I didn't have to see him again and now  he was here,...

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- Look Whitney I finally found you - he said when everything about me boiled down in despair, how he found me I did everything so he wouldn't find me including using my mother's name all over so I didn't have to see him again and now  he was here, his eyes full of anger that makes me think he knows about michelle, knows she's her daughter and that I hid it from him, just thinking about it made my heart feel like it would stop overnight.  No he can't know her, can't he doesn't deserve her like he didn't deserve me one day.  He held my arm tightly, making me even more scared.
"Let me go, Michael." I pulled my arm free of him. "What are you doing here?"
-  what do you think?  How long do you think you were going to hide from me Whitney. ”He smirked the way he always does when he uses his sarcasm.  Michael was still beautiful as I remembered but his eyes looked hard and full of hate he was not the same Michael that one day I fell in love with.
- leave me alone - I tried to walk away but he held me
"You won't run away from me, we need to talk," he said defiantly, making me shiver. I wasn't going to let him return to my life with all the threats and persecution. Only when I saw myself away from him did I realize how wrong our relationship was and how  it hurt how much I was arrested and desperate.  I broke free of him bravely.
- we have nothing more to talk about ... leave me alone - I pulled away as fast as I could and took the first taxi I saw pass my heart seemed to go out the mouth, I can not deny that I was afraid of him approaching  my daughter, several doubts disturbed my head, did he know about Michelle?  And that he is her father?  Is that why he came here?  My head was full of questions I was crying with fear I could not believe that everything I have built so far could be destroyed.  I have a family that I love and finally I'm happy as I never imagined it would be, couldn't lose everything for him, that's not fair Michael abandoned me as I needed him most, he drove me away from him like I was nothing, like  everything we lived was really nothing to him.

I got home trying not to show how disturbed I really was.  I found Kevin lying on the couch watching TV with Michelle sleeping on him, smiling for a moment admiring them, the love between them was so visible.  He really was her father, he loved her as a daughter, and I didn't want anything to get in the way, so I was crying again, afraid that it would all end.  He saw me and smiled until he realized I was crying, he snuggled Michelle who was still sleeping like a rock and got up coming to me
- love something happened?  - he approached and I hugged him so hard that could crush him easily and sobbed repeatedly, I felt a fool did not believe that Michael could still move this way with me, I did not love him anymore I love my husband, my daughter, the  family we three formed.  - Shiii don't look like love, it's making me worried.  What was it you couldn't close the deal?
- yes I made it
"Uh, I don't understand why this is so." He turned away, looking into my eyes.
- there was nothing - I tried to pull away and he held me
- Don't lie to me I know you you're not the kind of person who cries out of nowhere.  Something has happened.
- nothing I'm just sensitive sorry the day was pulled and I arrived saw both of you together I was thrilled, I'm a silly laugh hugging him.  Hoping he would believe this ridiculous excuse.  It's obvious he didn't believe it but decided to let it go.
- you're hungry - I widened my eyes away from him
- you cooked?  - I asked in disbelief, cooking is not his skill, in fact I think my husband can not boil or milk.
- no i ordered chinese food - he rolled his eyes - good will change to eat and then we watch a movie or do something better - he said maliciously
"And how about you come take a shower with me?" I pulled him up and at the moment I had forgotten the appearance of Michael that disturbed me so much.
I was staring at the ceiling I couldn't sleep or if I was trying to be scared, too scared to lose everything I've built this past three years, it wasn't fair Michael to show up now to end my life after all he's done to me, now that I'm  finally happy it's not fair
I'm torturing myself just thinking that Kevin might find out that he is Michelle's real father he will never forgive me, so I'm sure one thing I have a daughter of a single man he doesn't know and another quite different and I have a  Michael's daughter a man married to a friend of his, That would be the end of our relationship of this I'm sure.  I'm really lost I don't know what to do.
I sat on the porch looking at the moon asking God to help me, I never needed a Help as big as today, because I realized how much I was rocking with Michael here, realized how much those eyes still disturb me, in fact they always always  disturbed.

Sometimes I still wondered what would happen if I let him kiss me that day, maybe he wouldn't marry, maybe we could have had a different story but no, I was a coward, and now I can't go back I have a life  happy away from him and even though I'm still so muggle to the point that I still love him, I know I have to stay away from him and get my life on, I need to find a way to make Michael leave me alone.

I woke up with a huge urge to run away, run away carrying my daughter and Kevin away from Michael and all the mistake I made when relating to him, maybe I should really run away, was that my head screamed, run to the Whitney Mountains  run away from it and preserve your happiness.  While my head told me to run away my soft heart told me to stay, because he still has a big crush on Michael and it tortured me.

Even with his presence here destroying my judgment I still had to follow my life and duty called to me.  I arrived at the production company finding Genevive that seemed to have seen millions of green birds
"Good morning, Gene," I greet her, receiving a wide, blissful smile that even scared me a little.  - okay
- everything and with you Miss Whitney
- well thank you.  You call Columbia Representative Picture, we need to set up a meeting later this week.  Well I go to my room you transfer me please - I smiled at her as she left but she called me
"Miss Whitney, wait there's someone in your office waiting for you, she said she had a meeting scheduled this morning."  There was nothing on the agenda but he insisted a lot so I left him in his office.  Did I do wrong
- no Gene, it's okay, I'm free morning I talk to whoever - laughs walking to my room when I opened the door had a terrible surprise.  Michael was sitting at my desk looking at me with those cold eyes and that crooked smile, it seemed like everything about me trembled
- Good morning Whitney ... - He spoke defiantly sitting in my armchair.  I had barely realized that he had a picture frame in his hands, it was a picture of me and Kevin with the newborn Michelle in his arms in the delivery room.  This was my favorite picture and I take it where I go.  He realized my desperation looking at the picture frame in his hands and said - beautiful Whitney family, I hope this child pulled you, because if she looks like this idiot she ... - I ran to him taking his picture.  I didn't want him to talk about my daughter, I wanted him as far away from her as possible.
- What do you do here?  - I shouted extremely nervous, because Michael was here?  what did he want from me?  Doesn't he see that what we had is over.  Because he doesn't stay with his wife and son and leaves me alone.
-You are the producer who signed the contract with Columbia Picture is not it?  I nodded, not understanding where he was going with this.  - so you are producing my new movie.  - He laughed sarcastically - it will be a pleasure working with you Whitney.

In the next chapter will have very disturbing revelations kkk .... well until later kiss
I went

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