When least expected

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"Here we are again in another chapter of my story, this one where I accumulate sorrow and loneliness, this one where my heart is broken into countless pieces. And when I found myself lost and hopeless, you appeared as a Savior, the one who saved me when I drowned in myself. ”

Good read💕💕


"Whitney, please, you have to get out of this bed." Jonh was trying to get me out of bed, something I hadn't done in almost a week.  "Come on, Whitney." He tugged my arm, making me sit down.  It didn't last long and I soon lay back covering my head, maybe my blanket has magical properties that make me forget my broken heart.  - Enough Whitney Elisabeth Huston, get out of this bed you can not stop living because of that bob - he pulled the cover, looking really angry, if I had already lost patience with myself, imagine other people.  - Look Nippy you have to get out of this bed, and feed well and think of this child, your child needs you so get up from this bed
- NO I do not want ... I do not want to get up ... I do not want this child ... I do not want you to stay here with me ... I do not want to think about him - I could not stand the pain in my heart  and I burst into tears, all I wanted to do was disappear, disappear and never remember that one day I loved Michael.  John hugged me trying to calm me down, but I would never calm down, especially I would never forgive myself for being so stupid that way.
- Don't cry Whitney I'm here it will be alright I promise.

John hasn't left here, it's been four days since he moved to my guest room, he still can't get me out of my bed and I think he won't make it, I just want to lie here, in pain, and living with my  heartbroken.  Sometimes I like to pretend that I don't exist just close my eyes and try not to think about anything, but always that brown-eyed demon comes to disturb me.
Today is not being easy, I do not stop thinking about him, how I wanted to tear from my mind and heart those eyes, the smile on the side, that look so sweet when he said he loved me.  I only ask God that I can forget about him because my heart now lives bleeding and I can not stand to live with this pain.
The door opened and John came in smiling.
- good morning flower of the day - he smiled excited, did not understand the reason for his excitement, I looked like an old grouchy until the happiness of people bothered me, my world seemed so gray
- what's good ?  I rolled my eyes at my mood, which is now permanent.
"our feel negative energies in the air," he laughed mockingly, and I just wondered when he left, does he not understand that I want to be alone.  - but answering your question, what's good and what you have a visitor
- I don't wanna see anyone I already said
- but I came the same way - Kevin's voice broke into the room, he came in smiling with a bouquet of colorful roses and a bag in his hand, I looked at him confused or could not say anything, he approached sitting next to me
- I'll leave you alone - John said leaving, I stared at Kevin with a certain fear did not want to talk to him not now that he knows I'm pregnant, not that he has something with it, this is my problem, but  I had to admit that I was embarrassed to be pregnant with a married man, even if Kevin didn't know it, but I couldn't stop wondering how he would judge me if he knew.
- what did you come here for?  - I was rude even without this intention
- see you - he replied simply still looking into my eyes for a long time as if in a trance, until he woke up - well I brought you a gift - he handed me the bouquet of flowers were beautiful I had to admit were colorful roses that  They made me smile for a few seconds.
- Thank you, they are beautiful
- you're welcome, I have one more gift - he handed me the bag in his hands I left the bouquet next to me and took the bag when I opened it took a huge fright.  I took a pair of tiny white slippers out of her - did you like it ???  he asked me as I looked at the little shoes with an enormous desire to cry, had made a horrible decision, totally motivated by the pain of my broken heart.
I didn't hold back and cry. “Whitney, was it?” He asked, hugging me.
"I don't want that, I don't want to," I shouted Crying in pain
"Take it easy Whitney, what don't you want?" he asked worriedly until I was worried about my sanity, how I could do something so horrible, but I was determined.
"I don't want the baby, I'll take it off, I can't have it, I can't take care of it, it'll be better this way." My tears of despair barely let me speak.  - I'm a horrible person for doing this, but it will be better for her child not to have a mother like me,
- don't talk about this Whitney bullshit, this child will be very lucky to have you as a mother, look at me - he took my face making me look at him - I know you're hurt by her father, I don't know what  That happened and I won't force you to tell me, I just know you're going to be a great mom and I'm sure of that, and you need to be fine with her.  - maybe those few words was what I needed to hear at the moment, felt better than ever in his arms, that hug was like I had gained a safe haven.  Perhaps I had been driven by how helpless I felt at the moment hoping that someone would save me from the feelings I had in me, which by the way are terrible.
After countless minutes of silence still hugging Kevin without even knowing why I couldn't get out of this Hug.  He said
- so I think you should come with me - I looked at him frowning, Kevin is crazy where to go
- are you crazy, go where?
- to my grandfather's farm, will feel good there, and will leave this room and cheer up, by the way I am a great traveling companion - he laughed slightly and smoothed my face - you so beautiful you do not deserve to be stuck here, the  The world needs Whitney Houston back out that I don't take no for an answer.

Obsession( Michael é Whitney)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें