Sadly, my attempts were once again futile as someone stepped in front of me. "Hey."

Looking up, my blood began to boil at the smirking boy standing in front of me. Not taking a single moment more, I swung my fist up to hit him as hard as I could in the face. Jackson's head snapped back to look at my seething expression with a hand raised to his cheek, his nose bleeding. "Do not talk to me."

With that, I took off up the stairs making my way to my sister. Once I sat down, she let out a small 'thank you' without looking in my direction and I nodded.

For the rest of the game, I kept looking for Stiles, as did Scott, but he never showed up. I was becoming rapidly worried, but I kept pushing it away as the clock ticked down.

Lydia and I both cheered when our team won but as soon as the hype died down, Lydia told me she was going home. I told her it was alright and that I'd catch a ride back with Danny.

Walking into the locker room, I pushed past all of the sweaty teenage boys and excited students and parents to reach Scott's locker. Sitting down, I waited for him to reach the destination as well.

Seeing someone walking closer, I looked up to see Scott and stood up. "Hey." He said, a small smile on his face.

"Hey," I replied, an awkward smile on my own as I rubbed my thighs.

"Look, I'm really sorry about everything. I wasn't in my right mind. I would've never kissed you, or said those things, or grabbed you." Looking up at his face, I caught the pained expression he wore. "Are you alright, by the way? I know I caught you with my claws."

Glancing down at my ankle, I looked back up and into Scott's eyes. "Yeah, I'm alright. It doesn't hurt that bad." Sighing, I glanced away for a moment before looking back. "I'm sorry for kicking you in the face." I shrugged.

Scott laughed at this, putting a hand on my shoulder for a moment. "I think I deserved it."

"Yeah, maybe a little bit." I chuckled, leaning against the lockers. "I forgive you, anyway. I was still kind of mad at you, but I know it wasn't you."

Scott smiled, pulling his jersey over his head. "Good. I would really hate it if you were mad at me. I'm gonna go rinse off real quick. Stay here, we need to talk about Stiles." Pointing at me, Scott backed away until he had disappeared into the showers.

Sitting down, I sighed as I waited for him. Pulling out my phone, I took notice that I had no new messages and put it away. It didn't take long for Scott to come back, a towel wrapped around his waist and the rest of his uniform in his arms.

"By the way, McCall...apology accepted." Hearing Danny's voice, we both looked over to see the shirtless jock.

"I didn't apologize." He responded, confusion laced in his voice as I watched Danny.

"Every time you got the ball tonight, you passed it to me. Apology accepted." He explained, causing Scott to let out a breathy laugh.

"Every time I passed the ball to you, you scored."

"Apology accepted," Danny said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder before looking pointedly at me. "Oh, and Rae? You and I are going to have a long conversation about your choice in men."

Confused, my brows furrowed at what he'd said as he walked out the door. Hearing a chuckle, I looked up and slapped Scott with my hand.

Right after I'd done so, all the lights cut out causing me to jump up in fright.

"Danny?" Scott asked timidly, setting down his body spray. As he began to walk forward, I followed him, not particularly wanting to be alone.

Reaching the light switches, Scott flicked them on and off but nothing happened. Realizing the power had been cut, my panic heightened.

This Isn't The End {Stiles Stilinski}[1]Where stories live. Discover now