chapter twenty-seven

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Saturday the thirteenth, came out of nowhere. Those few days of rest and relaxation were now gone. Nine grueling days of filming long hours in the freezing Alps, ahead. Eleven a.m. was just around the corner. Half an hour, Brian, Neil and Mal would collect the quartet and board the aeroplane.

Promptly at eleven, the doorbell rang. Patsy looked out the window and saw a black limousine parked in front of the flat. Opening the door, Brian was standing on the other side, nervously smoking a cigarette. "Hello, Mr. Epstein. How are you today?" Patsy asked with a smile, letting the manager walk inside. Puffing away nervously, he smiled, "Fine Miss Patricia. I'm just here to collect the boys for their trip.I hope they weren't too much trouble."Brian glanced at the Rolex on his right wrist.

"No trouble at all. Like perfect gentlemen the entire time." Which was true, for the most part. John,George, and Ringo the brunette didn't have a problem with. Paul on the other hand, was another story. He and Sadie were inseparable. And that song he wrote! There's more here than meets the eyePatsy thought to herself. She needed to have a long talk with her sister, after the boys left.

Snapping back to reality, Patsy hugged each Beatle as they stood near the front door. They all thanked her (and Sadie) for the generous hospitality and so on.

Sadie stood next to her sister. I will not cry. I will not cry.The chant replaying over and over again. The three Beatles and Brian gave the slender blond a hug. The chant seemed to be working. Last was Paul and it went all down hill from here. Tears fell like waterworks.

Paul pulled the blond into a tight hug. "Listen to me,luv. I'll be gone for nine days, not forever, hey? You know what they say, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.'" She looked up and gave a weak smile. It pained Paul to see 'his girl' like this, but there was no say in the matter. Giving her one last gentle kiss on the forehead, he was off.


On the telly the siblings watched Mary Poppins, later that night. It was a nice sisterly bonding time, for both girls. Thinking long and hard, Patsy decided to confront the younger woman about the bass payer. She stood up and turned off the silver knob on the television. A cry of protest came out of Sadie's mouth. "What the hell? You know Mary Poppins is my favorite movie!"

"There are more important things to discuss than a Disney movie, right now!" Patsy exclaimed, sitting back down in the uncomfortable green chair.

"For fuck's sake, what are you on about?" Sadie questioned, repositioning herself so she was sitting upright; back against the couch. Long, slender arms, reached for the soft pack of Marlboro's; lighting one up.

Patsy wasn't about to beat around the bush."Did you sleep with McCartney?" No sugar-coating here!

Appalled and disgusted, "Excuse me? What fucking audacity do you have to tell me who I can and cannot be with?" The cigarette clenched between thin pink lips. Anger visible in Sadie's eyes.

"I have a lot of audacity! You are not to see that jerk anymore! He's only using you just so he can have a piece. That's it!" The older girl bellowed, trying to reason with the younger girl.

Sadie had enough of her sister's shit. Finishing the last of the cancer stick, she ran to the bedroom; slamming it behind her! Next to the twin bed was the matching set of blue suitcases. In the biggest one was a bag of pot and some rolling papers. Good ole Paul, saves the day!  

Fifteen or so minutes passed. The bedroom door opened and then shut for the night. Patsy was in the room, sound asleep. The coast was finally clear! Expertly rolling the joint, Sadie held it between her lips and lit it. Taking a long drag, an instant buzz washing over. All the cares and worries disappeared.

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