chapter eleven

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****I know, this is a very short chapter!

Nothing else was said after that little incident. Sadie and Paul were thinking the same thing: John Lennon had a 'thing' for her. Although Sadie was flattered, she had no interest in John. Only seeing him as a friend and maybe a confidant. He was married and had a one and half year old, for Christ sakes!

The entourage finished the rest of their breakfast in silence. Paul was now moody. Although trying to mask his feelings, it was undeniable. Paul McCartney, was jealous! Jealous that John Lennon even considered talking or even looking at Sadie in a perverted manner! Lennon had a great wife and wonderful son waiting for him at home, but no!

Anger and jealousy fueled more and more. Various thoughts swimming around in Paul's brain, made it unbearable to even look at his song-writing partner in the face. John noticed how pissed off Paul was becoming;adding more fuel to the already impending fire.

The older Beatle turned toward the younger Beatle wearing a smug smile. If you only knew what's coming to you soon, Macca.

Paul turned away., hastily getting up from the chair, nearly knocking it over in the process! "We're going to the beach, now!" He Grabbed  Sadie's right arm, dragging her with him toward the front door. She didn't protest. She just did as was told.


Sadie had a twisted look of pain on her tan face. "Paul..." Nothing. Yelling a tad louder this time, "PAUL!"

Paul, who was busy calling the auburn-haired Beatle everything colorful under the sun, stopped dead in his tracks. "Wha's the mattah?" Sadie jiggled herself free from Paul's grasp and rubbed her sore hand. "Thank you. Finally!"

Paul gave a sheepish look. "Sorry my luv.. Did I hurt you?"

"No, but if you kept squeezing the life out of my hand, I think it might have been broken!"

"Shall we continue?" Paul asked, gesturing his hand to Balmoral Island  a few feet in front of them.

"Yes." Sadie smiled. Paul put his arm around her shoulders, holding her close to him as they walked .

Another Girl-Completeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें