Chapter Eight

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Lighting up a ciggie and taking a long drag, Sadie started. "It was a month or two after my eighteen birthday. I moved out of my mom and step-father's house to be on my own with my boyfriend, Joe. We were so in-love with one another. Inseparable in fact." She leaned her head on Paul's chest, tears once again welling up.

Paul heard the sniffling "If it's too hard for you, it's all right."

Choking back a tear "No, Paul. You need to know the truth." He kissed her head and she continued.

"Well a few months later, I found out I was with child and Joe blew a fucking gasket!" Sadie huffed, taking another drag. "He didn't want anything to do with me or our unborn child any longer. The next day, he packed his bags, moved out and took all the money we had saved."

"Fucking bastard!" Paul spat, clenching his teeth.. The tears in Sadie's eyes falling like waterfalls now.

Paul wrapped his arms around Sadie, holding her closer to him.

"I tried to make ends meat myself. In the end I had to rely upon my mom and step-father; moving back in with them. Things did start to look up near the end, though." Sadie added sarcastically, blowing out more grey smoke. "At six months, I went in to labour and started hemorrhaging. The doctor's tried the best they could to stop everything, but it was too late. My baby daughter, Michelle Penelope Livingston was stillborn ." Sadie cried uncontrollably in to Paul's blue shirt, saturating it.

Holding her closer,  Paul rocked her back and forth trying to soothe her. "Luv, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I wish I could've been there to beat Joe is a  fucking arse for you! He doesn' deserve you!"

Sadie leaned up at Paul, eyes blood-shot and cheeks tear-stained " You see, that's why I moved; nothing left in New York for me. Patsy was so gracious enough to purchase a one- way ticket for me,since she lived here anyway. Thought it would do me good.  Now you probably think 'what am I doing, getting myself involved with a girl like her?'

"Is that why you're afraid to get involved with the likes of someone such as myself? You really think that I would be an arse like this Joe character?" Paul gently lifted Sadie's chin so they were both face-to-face. His face full of concern.

The waterworks finally slowing down, Sadie sniffled "No. I feel...myself when I'm around I can tell you anything! I haven't even known you that long, but I feel it's been years." She managed a weak smile.

Planting a passionate kiss on Sadie's lips, Paul wrapped his arms around her waist "Sade, my love, I feel the exact same way!"

Pulling away and smiling   "I must get back to filming before they bloody have me neck." Sadie pouted, but understood.

"That's a good girl. You'll have your chance to be with 'the cute Beatle' later when we go out for dinner." Paul flashed Sadie one of his charming and devilish grins.

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