Entangled lovers

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After afew minutes of being unconscious as he was carried, Tamaki woke up and went back to Mirio's neck.

Mirio looked at him as he walked, Tamaki him in his arms fighting the pain of his dislocated shoulder, Tamaki's breathing wasn't as horrible as before, the blood must of be helping him in some way assumed.

"A dragon in love," those words went through his head as he walked, would that mean that something happens to him if a dragon is in love? Would it be a good thing or a bad thing?

Mirio suddenly tripped being too stuck in his own head, he didn't fall over thank goodness, just accidentally slipped Tamaki's fangs out of his neck.

"S-sorry, I'll pay more attention next-" Mirio was interrupted by Tamaki giving him a kiss on his lips before nuzzling his cheeks against Mirio's.

Mirio paused and blushed as Tamaki rubbed his face against Mirio's. He was a little confused but he understood it was effection.

He was thanking him.

Mirio smiled and continued walking as Tamaki smooched him and wrapped his only moveable wing around them both.

Mirio felt protected as he felt the wing around him as he walked.

He cried a little of happiness at Tamaki, he was being so incredibly careful that his dragon claws didn't hurt Mirio, as if a single touch could harm him horrificly.

Tamaki felt the tears go on his cheeks as he smothered him in effection, he fell back a little in his arms and looked at Mirio who looked at him back "what's the madder? Arch chu okee?" He asked with a worried look on his face only to make Mirio laugh quietly and cry more.

Tamaki was slowly learning the English language too, he was learning from Mirio and that made him happier, " I'm okay " he replied kissing his forehead.

Tamaki looked up at him still confused, he leaned up and kissed him on the nose and rested his forehead on his lips as they traveled.

Mirio reached the borderline of the trees, looking at his village slightly still on fire but controlled.

He was planning to go into town but he decided that it would be better not to, a dragon in a town on fire wouldn't be welcomed very easily he figured.

He lightly dropped Tamaki next to a tree and grabbed something from his pocket.

Tamaki looked up at him as he handed out some roses, colors of black, red, blue, white and purple.

Tamaki went in awe, he grabbed them with his useable hand and admired the beauty.

Mirio patted his head, " I'll be back soon" he said as he turned around.

Tamaki watched him run down to his house, he didn't panic about being alone for the moment, his house was in view and he had flowers to play with and talk to.

Mirio leaned back on his door, inhaling and exhaling deeply as he was about to relocate his arm.

He covered his mouth so Tamaki couldn't hear him in pain as it clicked back together. He took afew seconds to relax and then hurried for his medical supplies, grabbing some water for Tamaki to drink, along with some grapes which was Tamaki's favorite food.

Mirio ran back up the hill to see Tamaki with some rose petals in his mouth, making him laugh. " You don't eat them " he smiled as he kneeled down.

"I taught they wood tast like they smwell " he replied as Mirio pulled some from his mouth to replace them with a cup of cold water to drink.

Tamaki drunk the water as faster than Mirio could turn the cup for him.

He then handed him the clean green gapes to eat which distracted Tamaki instantly which Mirio expected.
Meanwhile as he ate Mirio attended to his bleeding leg.

Tamaki didn't feel any pain as he was distracted by enjoying the lovely taste of fruit in his mouth instead of Mirios or his own blood.

Mirio was in silence, there was a stick in his leg that Tamaki didn't realize he had yet, if he saw it he would surely feel the pain and start hyperventilating again, but he had to take it out before it gets too infected.

Mirio took a deep breath, he grabbed the stick, and grabbed a rag that he had brung from his house.

He suddenly pulled it out of his leg making Tamaki yelp and jolt up feeling the sudden pain and rush of blood in his leg. Mirio was trying to stop the blood rush by tightly wrapping the towel around his leg, keeping pressure on it.

Tamaki exhaled as he laid back again feeling the pain, he put his palm up to his eye as he tried to slow down his breathing. " I'm sorry " Mirio said as he wetted another towel and put it on Tamaki's forehead to keep him cool.  

Tamaki shook is head no to indicate that it was okay, he understood why he was so sudden, he was being rational.

After afew hours of attending to Tamaki and then himself, Mirio sat down next to Tamaki, he leaned his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes as Tamaki wrapped his arm around Mirio's to hold his hand.
Meanwhile of course he continues to eat the resupply of grapes Mirio had got him minutes before.

Mirio opened his eyes to see Tamaki was trying to feed him some of the grapes he was given.

Mirio opened is mouth slowly and chewed on the grapes. They were beautiful, the flavor was Tamaki's favorite thing about them and they were Mirio's too.

Mirio was struggling to stay awake at this time, he needed to rest but he fought back as best he could before he fell asleep.

Tamaki looked at him with his eyes shut, he was admiring every aspect of his face as he slept.

It had been the first time Mirio fell asleep before he did, normally Mirio would make sure that he slept in the most comfortable way possible, making sure he wasn't going to get too hot or too cold or slip out of bed.

Sometimes Mirio would wake up with Tamaki nuzzled up against his chest or back in the mornings, he never told Tamaki though.

Tamaki laid his head next to his, he decided he was going to wait for him to wake up but he accidentally fell asleep himself.

Mirio woke up entangled in grape vines and rose vines growing off of Tamaki as he slept, keeping them together.

(Sorry for not updating 😅 ;-;)

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