A New Environment

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Tamaki's sharp teeth chattered nervously, his body shook, his heart beated out of his chest and tears sat in his eyes as he hide behind the tree just outside Mirio's village.

''It'll be okay! No-one will hurt you, I'll protect you okay?'' Mirio smiled with a caring look on his face. 

''....I-I ...d-dot tunk d-d-dis I gah id-idah mero'' Tamaki quietly cried as he clung to the tree, clenching his dragon claws into the tree as he thought of the outcome of a dragon entering a village. 

Mirio starred at Tamaki who was now emotionally attached to the tree, he was so scarred. He took a deep breath and stood behind Tamaki. Tamaki then stopped realising Mirio had gone behind him. 

Before he could turn around he was attacked by tickles, Mirio smiled as Tamaki couldn't hold back his laughter ''Sh--Shop!'' Tamaki laughed falling to the ground. Mirio laughed along with Tamaki for his laughter was contagious.

 Mirio continued to tickle Tamaki on the ground as he squirmed and tried to put on a serious face but constantly failing. '' sho- Shop! I cansz breth'' Tamaki laughed making Mirio stop with tears in his eyes from laughing with Tamaki so much.

 ''Loosen up Tamaki, its gonna be okay, I'll protect you. I'm not going to let you be alone anymore. '' Mirio smiled as he sat on the ground next to Tamaki who laid catching his breath.

Tamaki smiled slightly, ''....o-okah'' 

Mirio walked through the fields of crops with Tamaki by his side, clinging onto his arm.  The farmers starred at them as they walked down the hill towards the village.  The hard working men grouped together as they starred at Tamaki who was aware of there eyes all over him, making him clench Mirio's arm sleeve tighter. 

''M-Mero'' Tamaki said with worry in his voice as he saw children told to run into their houses as they entered the gateway into the village. ''M-Mero, I-i wana lev'' Tamaki shook. ''It's okay, we are almost at home, I think you will feel safe there.'' Mirio smiled looking down at Tamaki. 

After countless people starring, running off and gossiping over Mirio's new friend, They finally reached his house. It was nothing special, but it amazed Tamaki.

Mirio opened the door and inviting Tamaki to step in, ''Welcome to my home!'' Mirio announced closing the door behind them both. ''Sorry its not fancy or special like the other homes, but I still love it you'know, home sweet home!'' Mirio laughed but then noticed  that Tamaki wasn't listening, he was detracted now, exploring the new environment around him, the new smells and strange objects with purposes. 

Mirio was glad Tamaki was getting used to something new. ''Oh, Tamaki! I'll be right back okay! I need 'To-gata' go up stairs'' Mirio smiled with a walking pose waiting for Tamaki to respond to his pun. 

Tamaki starred back with a blank expression on his face, ''eh?'' he said tilting his head sideways making Mirio laugh and blush, ''I'll be right back'' he said before running upstairs. Tamaki continued looking around until he smelt something amazing behind a door in the kitchen.

Mirio ran into his room and searched around for some paper and a pencil. He ran to his desk and and searched through his draws until he found some paper and a pencil. He looked through the sheets of paper and picked out the ones that weren't used.

After grabbing plenty of paper Mirio turned around to run down the stairs but he stopped as he stepped on a piece of paper which had fallen off his table. He picked it up and realised what he was holding, the smile on his face then disappeared. 

Tamaki a bite out of a loaf of bread, then a bite out of a piece of cake, and then a piece of chicken, a peace of potato, then some lettuce, fish and more leaving crum's all over his mouth as he enjoyed each new and different kind of food as he sat on the kitchen floor surrounded by food. 

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