Bleeding Butterfly

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Mirio sat outside on his house steps as Midoriya suggested for he was getting to panicky, his hands up to his lips as he watched ants attack a dying caterpillar. His mind was too busy thinking about what was going to happen to Tamaki to realising he was watching a creature die helplessly.  

Izuku opened the door with a piece of paper in his hand, he noticed Mirio was daydreaming and wasn't sure if he should interrupt. Izuku stepped closer to realise the caterpillar almost dead on the ground to be carried away by the ants. 

"M-Mirio...?" Mirio woke up and turned back to Izuku who was holding a scrunched up piece of paper. Mirio panicked, "Wha--ha- what you g-got there Midoriya?" he swallowed nervously. 

Izuku held a drawing- a design, a hand-draw design to a hero costume that had been destroyed with scribbles and tear in it along with spot where water has dripped on the pages.

 "T-this was in your rubbish bin....I know that I shouldn't go looking through your stuff but....Mirio....after fighting Overhaul and loosing your-.....your quirk and......are you seriously doing okay?" Izuku asked knowing Mirio was depressed. 

Mirio gulped and looked to the gound, he smiled and laughed "I'm perfectly fine, its just going to take me time to get used to not having it to make people laugh thats all. Plus! I'm sure that Eri will-" Midoriya interrupted  putting his hand on Mirio's shoulder. 

"Mirio?" Izuku looked at him in the face as Mirio starred back. Mirio could fake it any further and his face went from smiling to crying aas he held in his pain. 

Not only was Tamaki just a new friend to Mirio, but actually his emotionally support- Tamaki was someone Mirio could save without his quirk, but now....

Suddenly there was a figure in the sky, it had beautiful bright red wings that soared through the sky, it was one of the dungeon masters from the east. 

He landed right in-front of Mirio and Midoriya, they starred at him as he folded his wings so he could walk. He noticed he was getting starred at by Izuku and Mirio with tears running down his face. 

"Uh..Sup!" He said as he walked passed to the chicken area that was next to Mirio's house. 

"That's Hawks! One of the most respected prison officers in the land, whats he doing here" Midoiya whispered in curiosity. 

Mirio whipped his eyes, "wait, he works at the prison? Isn't that where....Chisaki is being held?" asked Mirio. 

Izuku looked at Mirio, "Y-yes....what...what are you thinking?" Mirio starred at Hawks who bought chicken from the food store. 

"Chisaki can....he cures people, if we get Tamaki to-" 

"NO!" Iuzku exclaimed, "He could escape if we let his hands able to touch anything! And even if he tried to fix Tamaki we wouldn't know if he'd put him back together afterwards!"  

Hawks walked to them both as they yelled at eachother, "What other choice do we have!?" Mirio replied almost chocking on his words. 

"Eyo, whatcha yelling at eachother about? Who's in need of help to ask from that guy? " Hawks asked stuffing his face with chicken nuggets. 

Mirio and Izuku looked at eachother, is it safe to tell a prison managers about Tamaki- a dragon? Hawks' superior wasn't exactly known to be a kind man... Hawks suddenly sighed and casually walked into Mirio's house. 

"Don't worry, I know what your thinking, Endeavour isn't that much of a bad guy these days but whatever your gonna ask Chisaki to do I heavily not recommended." 

Mirio grabbed Hawk's arm to stop him walking through his house. Hawks starred at Mirio, "Are they upstairs?" Mirio sighed and let go of his arm, "y-yes" he replied. 

Midoriya had told Mirio before he was sent out that Tamaki wasn't going to live for very long in his weak condition, and when Chisaki appeared he was like a healing god, no-one had come across such an amazing healer. It was the only chance Mirio had to help Tamaki, but it would either save him, or kill him. 

"Woah, cool, a dragon kid" Hawks stood amazed reaching into his bag for another chicken nugget. Mirio passed and went to his bed where Tamaki was heated up more than before with more of a heavy breath. 

There was blood on the side of Tamaki's mouth, Mirio wiped it from his mouth, he had been coughing blood for the last hour so his time was soon. 

Mirio watched Tamaki, you could tell that he was in pain as he slept, and this hurt Mirio alot. 

Izuku entered the room, "He's been in the wild alone for a very long time, he would have eaten fruit which may have been infected with worms...I dont know how many he has but it explains why he's so weak and skinny, not to mention that he hasn't gained any weight whilst being here for a week." he said to Hawks to explain the situation.

Mirio grabbed Tamaki's face and smooched his face against him like a cat, trying not to cry. He must have been so hungry Mirio though as he felt Tamaki's eyelashes on his brow. Tamaki cried and moved his head gently back against Mirio's. 

Mirio felt Tamaki's movement  and looked at him, his eyes struggled to open but he looked at Mirio who was happy to see him active, even if it wasn't huge, his heart filled with hope.

 Mirio was so happy that he kissed the corner of Tamaki's eye's after wiping his tears away from his eyes. 

Hawks stretched his arms, "Ight, I'll take ya to Overhaul to try n save em, but your gonna have to find a way to yourselves, I'll fly dragon kid there by myself, I cant carry all of ya"  

Mirio turned to look at Hawks, "Thank you so much!!!" he exclaimed in joy. 

Tamaki grabbed onto Mirio's shirt as he coughed up blood on his bed, Mirio panicked and sat him up straight, Tamaki leaning back on Mirio's chest before loosing consciousness in his arms. 

"I still disagree with this, but if your really going to ask this from the person who hates you the most Mirio.....we need to hurry..." Izuku said to hurry the situation along. 

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