Legendary Catastros

Start from the beginning

"Your hair," Kali repeated.

Claire run a finger down the side of her face and pulled it back to reveal a smudge of cream. She popped it in her mouth and panicked. "Oh. I forgot to omit the part about the toppings," she said. "I'm allergic to whipped cream!"

Vida and Maddie backed up as Claire started to hyperventilate. She turned away and sneezed, splattering Udonna with cream.

With an annoyed scowl, Udonna left.

"Quick, Nick," said Claire, turning back to the Rangers. "Point your wand at me and say 'Finishio' - Ah-choo! It'll make it disappear. Hurry!"

Nick removed his Morpher and opened it. He pointed the wand part at Claire and uttered the word Finishio. The cream and steam disappeared.

"Thanks, Nick," Claire said as she returned to normal. "Well, I, uh, better go." She left, clearly embarrassed but also a little upset that she had failed again.


The next morning, Kali arrived at the Rock Porium in time for her shift and found the others already there. "I'm not late, am I?" she asked, checking her phone for the time.

"Nope. You're right on time," said Toby. "Where's Nick?"

"He was still sleeping when I left," said Kali. "I don't think he slept much last night."

"Why? Did the scary thunder keep him awake?" Vida taunted.

Kali smiled and shrugged. "Couldn't tell whether it was the thunderstorm or a nightmare, to be honest," she said. "But, I woke up about 3am to use the bathroom, and he was tossing and turning in his bed."

"You guy's a share a room?" Chip asked.

"His sister lives in a two-bedroom apartment," Kali explained. "It's either we share a room or one of us sleeps on the couch. I am not couch surfing."

Xander laughed. Their Morpher's chimed and the team gravitated towards the door, just as Nick was arriving for his shift. He looked exhausted.

"You're going the wrong way, mate," said Xander, slipping past Nick.

"Yeah, no rest for the weary," said Maddie.

Nick exhaled heavily and followed Kali as she run past him.


Reaching the city, the rangers looked around for the source of the problem, according to their Morphers they were right on top of it, but there was nothing to be seen for miles.

At least not until Maddie looked up and gasped. "Look!" she said, pointing into the air.

"Usay Mijor Catastros!" Koragg chanted, jumping through a purple seal and summoning the legendary beast from the depths of the underworld.

"Let's ranger up," said Nick, reaching for his Morpher.

The others followed suit.

"Magical Source, Mystic Force!" they chanted.

"Usay Rejor Contestuous!" said Koragg. He combined with Catastros to form his wolf Megazord and towered over the Rangers and the city. "Prepare to be defeated!"

"How can we fight him without our Megazord power?" Vida asked.

"Good question," Maddie agreed.

"Come on, guys, we can do this," said Kali. "Don't let him scare you. It's what he wants."

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