His butler, Able

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Ciel seemed to not sense your presence as he had his eye closed.

"I don't need Justify what I do. In fact, you should have seen it coming."

You couldn't Hold it in. You burst into a fit of Laughter, Leaning down you placed one of your hands on your knee to steady yourself as the other one held on to your face. You took a few deep breaths, Trying to Contain yourself before pulling yourself up, giggling a little as you did so. When you looked, Everyone's face was a hue of crimson.

Bard Struggled to look at your face, Finny was looking around all over the back, and Ciel? Oh poor Ciel.

His face was barely licked with the color red as he lowered his only eye's gaze to the bottom left.

Mey-rin, being the only one not flustered, opened her mouth first.

"You look quite Beautiful My lady, Yes you do!" She clapped with a Smile. You smiled back before looking at Ciel.

"Sup." You said, before plopping on the seat near him where your breakfast sat.

Just then, the door burst open again and Sebastian burst in.

"There you are! Finny, Have you finished Weeding the Garden?" Finny just looked up at him.


Mey-rin, Have you washed all the bedding?"

"Ahh, Um Well..."

"Baldroy, shouldn't you be preparing for Tonight's dinner?"


"Tanaka...Well, I suppose you're alright as you are."

"Now all of you, We have no time for Thumb-Twiddling this morning, so get to work!" Sebastian bellowed out, as the servants scrambled out of the room.

You watched with interest as you sunk your teeth into a scone, relishing the taste before chewing and Swallowing. You looked over at Sebastian, Who looked like He wanted to end it all as he walked out of the room again.

You finished eating and just sat there. No one's really spoke to you today, so you didn't really know what to do. You waited for Ciel to get done and he stood up and walked towards the door. You remained seated, Lost in thought.

"Well?" A Voice broke you out of self deprivation. You looked up at him.

"Aren't you coming?" You nodding rapidly before standing up and slightly sprinted to where he was standing. He hummed before holding out his elbow. You looked at it, then up at his face, then back at his elbow. The gears in your head slowing clicked as you grasped his elbow and Walked through the door. You walked and Both ascending up the stairs, Taking a left to another small staircase. You noticed he stopped and looked up at the the portrait of his Parents, you did as well. You admired the beauty of the paint. He let out a small hum before continuing on, with you still grasped with his elbow. You made it up to his Office, where he took a seat at his desk chair while you sat in front of the desk.

"Is that clothing popular where you come from?" Ciel asked, a tinge of red returning to his cheeks.

"Yeah, but a lot of people judge it for being too black, but I like it. I've never been too fond of colors." You admitted, leaning back into the chair while crossing your legs. He nodded before looking at the chains, Then the stockings, then your vans. He raised his eyebrow at it but dismissed it, another question for another time.

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