Chapter 1

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Six months later

"Mom!" My voice called out behind me as my mom fell to the ground. I began to turn around to go and help her up, but my dad grabbed me and pushed me into Minho's chest.

"You stay with Minho! I'll get your mother." My father spoke sternly.

"Let's go Rain, they'll be okay," Minho reassured me.

I nodded my head, knowing that my parents were capable of taking care of themselves. They've been more reliable than anyone I've known so far, besides Minho. My feet hit the ground as we ran to the front doors of the store, supplies in hand, my feet stopped in place once I heard a blood piercing scream. Turning around, I see my parents surrounded, being feasted on by the dead ones that overran the store. The supplies in my hands dropped to the floor. I fell onto my knees and cried out for my parents.

The heads of the dead ones snapped in my direction, and they slowly began to walk my way, Minho screamed at me to get up and tried to pull me off the floor, but I pushed him away. My parents are dead. Soon the dead ones surrounded me and started clawing at my flesh and sinking their teeth into me. I started screaming out in pain, and I saw Minho standing there being pulled back by Changbin and Felix as he screamed and cried.

"Rain! Rain!" Someone was shaking my body, "Rain, wake up!"

I woke up to my body drenched in sweat, and tears were streaming down my face, leaving streaks on my dirty face, Minho wiped away the tears on my face and then pulled me into his chest and started rocking me back and forth while stroking my hair. It was just a dream, but it wasn't entirely a dream because that did happen, my parents were swarmed by dead ones and died. I gripped onto Minho's shirt and started crying into his chest. His hold on me got tighter, and he placed a kiss upon my head. Shushing me and telling me everything is okay. Once I calmed down, he pulled me away from his chest and wiped my face once more.

"Once the sun rises, why don't we take a trip to the lake so you can wash. You're pretty dirty." Minho says, looking at me.

I playfully slapped his arm, and he laughed, "You're one to talk, you're filthy."

"Yeah, I guess I should bathe too." He shrugged his shoulders.

Since this outbreak happened to keep ourselves clean wasn't the main priority anymore, though I do wash more than others because I can't stand being dirty for too long, and you get used to the smell of others, compared to the way dead one's scent, it's not that bad.

"Do you think you could go back to sleep?" Minho asked me.

I shook my head, "I'll just help keep a lookout."

"Uh, why don't you start making breakfast for everyone. When you're done, the sun should be up, and then we can head to the lake."


I pulled myself up off the floor and walked out of the tent that Minho and I shared. I know Minho wants to keep me safe, meaning I do all the non-dangerous things around camp like cooking, cleaning, bandaging any wounds people could get, looking after the children, etc., but I want to be useful in a more critical way. Being able to go out on runs and get supplies and help rescue survivors is a big deal, and I wish I were strong enough to do those things. I know Minho looks at me like a fragile little girl, because that's what I am, but I don't want to be that girl anymore.

I walked out to the "chicken coop" to grab any eggs that the chickens have laid so I could make eggs for breakfast.

Grabbing the basket outside the coop, I head in and start feeling my way around in the dark for eggs. Filling the bucket with about ten eggs, I decided that's enough and headed back to the camping area, walking through the knee-length grass. I couldn't help but feel like a dead one was lurking nearby, taking a look around I didn't see anything. Feeling at ease that everything was okay, I started to walk again; then, something grabbed onto my foot, causing me to fall and spill the eggs all over myself. A small scream escaped my lips, and my heart started to pound roughly. My foot was stuck, I kept tugging at it and kicking my other foot at whatever had a hold of me, but the grip didn't loosen.

"Rain!" I heard Minho's voice call for me.

He ran to me in a hurry and dropped by my foot to see what had a hold of me. A sigh left his lips, meaning it couldn't be a dead one; he moved my foot all sorts of ways until it was free and lifted a log to show me what captured me. Great, I'm hopeless. How will anyone see me as a strong person when a log defeated me.

"Guess you need to bathe now," Minho laughed at the sight of me covered in egg yolk.

Sending a glare at the brown-haired boy, I got up off the ground and walked towards our tent to grab my extra pair of clothing, but Minho stepped in front of me, stopping me from going into the tent.

"Minho, I'm not in the mood," I spat at him.

"Okay cranky, but I'm not letting you in there like that. I'll grab your things for you." He said, stepping inside the tent.

I stood outside with my arms crossed, waiting for him.

"Alright, let's go!" Minho said enthusiastically.

The walk to the lake was quiet, and my mood stayed salty. I love Minho, really, but I'm tired of being the damsel in distress that he always has to rescue and from a log of all things.

Once we reached the lake, Minho set my things down by the edge of the water and then turned around to keep a lookout and to give me privacy. I started to strip my clothes off and walked into the lake; the water was cold and stung against my skin with the fresh air of the morning. Submerging myself into the water to get myself clean, I grab the soap that we brought with us and scrub my body before I go back into the water and submerge myself again to get the soap off. Once I was finished, I got out and dried myself and put on my clean clothes. Walking up to Minho, I tap his shoulder, he turned around to smile at me, and I sent him a small half-hearted smile back.

"What's wrong?" His question caught me off guard.

"Huh? Nothing is wrong," I lied.

"You can't fool me Rain, I know when something is up, so tell me."

"Ugh, fine, I'm sick and tired of being this weak damsel in distress. I want to be able to defend and protect myself. I don't want to have to keep you in the hearing range of me just in case something happens. I need to get stronger." I explained to him.

His eyes held a look of sympathy for me, "But that's what I'm here for Rain, I promised I'd keep you safe, and that's what I'm doing. You aren't a damsel in distress."

"But I am! Everyone here looks at me like I'm a helpless child, and I know everyone is waiting for the day that I die cause I can't protect myself. I need to be able to protect myself!"

"Okay," he sighed.


"I can train you to become strong."

"Thank you, Minho." He pulled me into a hug, and we stayed there for a bit before he let me go.

"We'll start your training tomorrow," he said and then walked away.

At least now, I can work hard to prove others I'm not helpless. 

Dead Ones | Stray Kids apocalypse!auМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя