Luigi collected himself, checked his map and saw that he was at a service elevator. There was a large safe nearby, but when he flashed it with his Strobulb, it shuddered before falling several inches.

"Okay, then," murmured Luigi before proceeding into a gear chamber.

He stepped onto a lift which took him to a lower level, and the Sneaker appeared again before disappearing through a wall. Luigi peered through a crack in that wall to see the Sneaker socializing with a Greenie. Then, another Greenie floated by, spotted Luigi and covered up the crack with a brick.

The Dual Scream rang.


"My God! We need to get you inside that storage room!" exclaimed Gadd.

"You have a way of doing that?" asked Luigi.

"I should've thought of this earlier," said Gadd, "but I hired a Toad assistant to look after the Old Clockworks. His name's Zed, and he may be able to help you. Give me a second to locate him—okay. He apparently went to check on a malfunction in the synchronization room."

"Synchronization room..."

"I can't believe I forgot about him!"

"You've been forgetting a lot of things lately," Luigi heard Fred chime in.

Gadd huffed. "Working for me must be really terrible," he said.

"Aw, it has its moments," said Fred.

"I'll find Zed in no time," said Luigi. "Ciao."

He hung up and headed down a stairwell into another lower level, walking across a bridge of crates and through a door which transported him to another of those red coin mazes. This maze also had a fifteen-second time limit, and it was more complex than the previous mazes. He still managed to collect all the coins with a few seconds to spare, and he was rewarded with a chest containing a ruby.

Back in the gear chamber, Luigi pushed through a door into the service elevator, jumping as the safe he'd seen earlier crashed to the floor, sending up a shower of dollar bills. He vacuumed up as many as he could, and then he continued into a maintenance hub. There, he used more of those wires to cross to the other side, and then he stepped onto a large gear, uncovering a hidden door with the DLD. This door opened into a crank room.

Luigi worked his way across, detonating Robombs and revealing hidden gears, which in turn caused all of the gears to start rotating. Using these gears, Luigi could further explore the crank room, making a stop in a small alcove, where he found a Boo.

"Boo! You got me! Nobody hare except Boony Raboot!" cackled the Boo.

It didn't take long for Luigi to capture Boony Raboot, and then he grabbed a golden bone before wandering over to some sort of locker room, where three Slammers were gathered.

He didn't wait for them to notice him, flashing his Strobulb as soon as he was close enough, taking two Slammers by surprise. However, the third one attacked with a shockwave blast that slammed Luigi against a wall and jarred his grip, allowing the two Slammers to escape. Luigi shook off the pain and went back on the attack, capturing all three Slammers after two more tries.

During the struggle, one of the lockers had opened, and there was a key floating inside. Luigi pocketed the key before checking the other lockers for anything salvageable, coming upon a Gold Greenie. After defeating them, he went back into the maintenance hub, where he unlocked the door to the synchro gantry.

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