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(This chapter starts off really boring but I swear it gets better)


I woke up with a headache, my head throbbing. I got up, groaning and feeling my head trickle sweat.

It was really hot in here, and I wasn't even wearing a shirt.

I got up from the bed, my stomach lurching, as I remembered how drunk I got last night. I remember opening the tequila bottle and draining it, no thought.

Now, I found myself holding the paper that I wrote while I was drunk last night.

My hand writing used to be shit when I was way younger, but my mom wouldn't give up on me. She taught me with tracers and eventually my handwriting got better.

My heart dully ached from the memories that I've thought over hundreds of times.

It's been years but she made me so happy. My mom was always there for me, even when my dad would beat her up. He was abusive, but she still managed to have the purest heart in this world.

Thinking about that made me furious. I banged my fist on my table and groaned.

Why is my life so messed up?


Jaden made breakfast.

It was good, but a little secret is that Payton's is the best.

I don't know what he does to my toast but he just makes it better.

Yesterday was crazy, I don't know what got into my head.

At least that hoe won't be coming over anytime soon, or else I might just end up breaking my other hand.

I looked at my bandaged right hand. I'm a rightie so it'd be hard to do a lot of things, like eating with a spoon or fork.

I've already explored this new base, and it's somewhat similar to the last base in California.

A small shard of my old life hits me and I almost collapse in my chair from the sudden memory.


Mads jumped on her bed, looking as excited as a kid in a candy shop.

"We're going to go make our way through our senior year and get wasted as hell. We're gonna have each other's backs and sleep late facetiming talking shit about people, and then we're going to graduate and end up still being the best of friends even if we go to different universities!" She was breathless in front of me.

"Crazy hoe." I smirk.

Mads grinned then sat down beside me. "But seriously... you promise, right?"

I faced her. "Of course I promise mads, where would I go, and what could possibly happen that wouldn't make me do all that with you?"

She smiled, hugging me. "I love you dumbie."

*end of flashback*

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