"she didn't tell me... i still think she thinks i don't approve. i love nova though." i told her.

"she really looks up to you, ad. i wouldn't be surprised if that was her reasoning. she wants your approval so badly." she told me

nova is two now, which is inane. elena is a good mom... but i don't think she ever wanted to have kids, let alone this early.

"alright mom... i'm gonna go wake the twins up since tara, kat, devyn and i are all going for dinner." i told her.

"alright baby, i love you. drive safe." she smiled, waving.

"i love you too! bye." i smiled, clicking the end button.

i got up from the counter and went into the nursery where the twins were napping.

"good morning, vi!" i smiled, noticing she was already slightly awake.

she smiled at me and i picked her up. i gave her a little kiss on her forehead, taking her to the living room to feed her.

"oh hey bitch." tara said, walking into our living room.

"hey... are you about ready to go to dinner " i asked her.

"oh shit. i forgot. i'll go get ayla and luke up." she laughed, walking into the nursery.

she came back out, seconds later with ayla, sitting down to feed her.

"i feel so left out." devyn laughed at the fact that she was the only one without a baby at dinner.

"if it makes you feel any better, you can take care of one of mine while we're here." i laughed.

"i guess i'll take grayson then." she laughed. he was closer to her than violet so it made sense. "what's it like to have kids?" she asked, laughing.

"it's a lot of work but i think it's easier than everyone made it out to be... maybe i just have easy babies." i told her.

"i agree. they take up a lot of time but they're normally really good. they're on a schedule so they sleep and eat at the same time which is really convenient." tara told her.

"i don't know what your lives are like but kai will be the death of me." kat laughed. "his sleeping schedule is so up in the air." she confessed.

"try a white noise machine... that helped violet a lot." i told her.

"i think i have baby fever but i also don't have a boyfriend so that's kind of an issue." devyn laughed.

"it's okay, one day you'll meet the right one." i laughed.

august 20th

"it's them or me, corey!" mya yelled, probably not realizing that the room was not soundproof.

we were all over at corey, sam and kats apartment for dinner before the boys went to film with elton.

mya is pissed at corey for going to film again. god, some of us have kids and we're not up each other's asses when they have to film. it's their jobs.

"i fucking hate that bitch. she's ruining our friend group." i whispered to my group of friends

"she's the worst. i can't wait for them to break up." tara said back.

"can i be a bitch? do i have that right?" i whisper laughed.

"go for it baby." colby said, tapping my butt as i stood up.

i went over and opened coreys bedroom door.

"hey, can you stop screaming? some of us have babies who are sleeping." i glared.

she glared back and i slammed the door.

"corey, it's a little fucking weird that your ex- girlfriend is sitting in your living room right now." we heard her spit at him. i looked over to devyn, who looked extremely uncomfortable.

"she's friends with all of my friends mya! it's not weird at all." he replied.

"it is fucking weird. pick. me or them?" she demanded.

"mya, you can't make me choose. i love you but i love my friends." he said back.

"choose." she demanded again.

"them. they're not making me choose between them and you even though they think you're a bitch." he said back. which was true.

"i'm leaving. don't fucking contact me." she spit at him, opening his bedroom door and then slamming it shut.

"fuck all of you!" she yelled on her way out.

"you too, bitch." i yelled back as she grabbed her bag.

she didn't fail to slam the door in her way out.

corey came out of his room. he seemed fine and said he was still going to film.

the boys all left the apartment and we decided to have a sleepover at tara and i's apartment rather than kats since it would be easier to take kais stuff over rather than ayla, violet, luke and grayson's over to her place.

i texted colby to tell me updates on corey to make sure he's okay while they're gone.

xplr ; colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now