gender reveal

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october 8th

colby and i also found out we were pregnant with twins which like what are the odds.

i was hoping for a girl and a boy but i'd be happier with two girls or two boys as well.

today was my gender reveal. we had taras when she hit four months. she's having a girl and a boy. baby a is a girl and baby b is a boy.

colby and i did an old wives tale video and 8 of them were girl and 6 of them were boy. but i'm having twins so who really knows.

tara was hosting my party so she was the only one who knew the genders of our babies.

i had family fly in, as did colby. we hadn't told the fans yet but we would have to very soon since i couldn't just wear big hoodies forever.

our pregnancy announcement was coming out the following day.

we were having smoke bombs to reveal the gender. we would pop baby a's bomb first and then baby b.

upon entering the party, there was a ton of pink and blue items. as well as a basket of pink pins and blue pins and everyone was to pick two, based on what they thought the genders were

tara wasn't participating since she would give it away but i had one of each color, as did colby.

jake had two blues and sam had two pinks. kat, xepher and corey all had one of each as well.

my family had all come in from new york and colbys came from kansas.

the party had been going on for a while and it was time for the reveal.

"okay guys, this is baby A." tara said, handing us the smoke bomb.

i allowed colby to pop the first one.

"it's a boy!" colby exclaimed, hugging me. i started tearing up. i knew colby wanted a son so bad.

everyone was cheering and excited for us.

"okay here's baby b." tara said, handing us the other bomb after we all calmed down.

i popped this one, pink smoke dispersing into the air. i jumped up on colby, giving him the biggest hug ever.

everyone cheered and discussed if their predictions were right or not.

this was so perfect. i was getting a son and a daughter. colby and i were both so excited

"guys, i don't mean to take adelaides spotlight." kat started after everyone left asides from our friends. "but we're also pregnant!" kat said, grabbing sams hand. she had asked me if it was okay to announce it at my reveal and i, of course, said yes.

we were all so happy for them. we were all pregnant at the same time and it was absolutely perfect.

october 9th

tara is due in exactly two months. i'm so excited for her. i was due in four and a half months but they were assuming i'd be a bit early since i'm so young and it's twins.

today was taras baby shower that kat and i put together for her.

the four of our babies would be sharing a bedroom with each other so colby and i bought the four of them matching cribs, which tara didn't know about and then i bought them some clothes and little outfits and toys as well.

colby and i were going the more natural route with toys and getting mostly wooden toys but we weren't very strict with it at all.

kat was barley showing since she was due in may, however, tara was huge and i was getting pretty big as well.

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