the breakup

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colby's point of view

the next morning

i woke up alone in my bed. adelaide and my bed. our bed. the visions i wanted to bury resurfaced in my mind. i don't know how i could've done that to my angel.

i checked my phone and with no texts from her, i decided to call tara. tara has been adelaides side kick when it comes to just about anything now a days'





"hello?" i heard tara answer.

"tara! where's adelaide i need to talk to her. i can meet you guys somewhere or something." i said

"oh um give me a minute." she said and muted herself, i assume to talk to adelaide. "you can meet us at adelaides moms hotel in beverly hills. room 808." tara said hanging up.

well she's being pleasant. which means adelaide is upset. why am i so stupid.

i whipped my car into reverse and pulled out of our driveway. i had google maps heading to the hotel and started on my journey.

when i got there i immediately headed up to the room she told me to go to. i knocked on the door a few times until adelaide opened it. i knew tara and whoever else came with them were listening in the bathroom but i didn't care.

"hi." i said as she allowed me to walk into her room.

"hi." she said back, blankly. no bright smile. no friendly gesture at all. that's not my adelaide.

"adelaide i'm sorry for what i did. i should've thought about you and at least told you that i was gonna be with my friends. it was stupid of me and i'm sorry." i said

"it's okay colby. but i can't do this anymore. the constant back and forth between us. it seems that there's more bad things happening in our relationship than good things. and last night reminded me of bryce and i can't put myself through that again. i'm sorry but i can't be with you colby." she said. at that moment i realized how badly i messed up. my sweet adelaide.

"adelaide tell me you're kidding. where's the camera? is this some kind of prank?" i said not believing the words she was saying.

"i'm sorry colby. i didn't want this to happen but if i feel like if i can't trust you then i can't be with you." she said.

"adelaide please say you love me." i said

"you know that's just going to make it more hard for both of us." she said, also on the verge of crying.

"please adelaide." i said

"colby, can you please go?" she asked me but it came out as more of a statement.

i nodded walking out the door.

adelaides point of view

i can't believe i just did that. i know being away from colby for a day hurts me. what am i supposed to do without him. we do live together so i'm going to have to see him. i guess one of us will just move to the guest bedroom.

but what happens if colby brings a girl home. it's going to crush me. colby is the one for me and i just ruined it.

super short chapter i'm sorryyyyy but i just started a new story about colby called neighbors and i just uploaded the first 3 chapters so please go read and vote!!

neighbors description

adelaide's life is picture perfect. she has a wealthy family and lives in a huge house. she's pretty, popular and can get any guy she wants.

her next door neighbor, colby brock, is the total opposite. his mother works is a diner and his dad is a teacher. with 7 kids, the brock family has no extra money.

the two had been neighbors for years and haven't even spoken two words to each other. that changed for the two the summer before senior year.

xplr ; colby brockNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ