Ch. 21

682 12 1

June 8, 2010

She de-transformed and collapsed onto the couch. Duusu appeared in midair, and she immediately fell onto the coffee table. Emilie coughed and rolled over.

"You okay, Duusu?" She asked her kwami. Duusu shook her head.

"The miraculous... it's been damaged."

"Damaged?" Emilie asked worriedly. Duusu took a shaky breath.


"Shh. Just rest." Emilie told her. Duusu gratefully closed her eyes, and Emilie laid back down. She ached all over and really wished Gabriel was there. After a while she fell into a fitful sleep.


Emilie had been fading in and out of sleep. She was having trouble telling what was a dream and what was reality. She was currently more awake at the moment, and she was somewhat aware that she wasn't dreaming. Her eyes were closed; she was too weak to open them.

She heard the door open. Gabriel and Adrien were home, and she could hear Adrien run into the living room.

"Mommy?" Emilie heard Adrien ask. His voice sounded worried and confused, so Emilie told him she was alright. She tried to, at least. All that came out was a groan.

"Adrien, what is it?" She heard Gabriel ask. His heavy footsteps made their way to the living room. She heard Adrien start to cry.

"Emilie?" Gabriel asked. He gingerly touched her forehead; it was burning up.

"Is Mommy okay?" Adrien whimpered.

"Mommy is going to be okay." Gabriel told him. "I'm going to call Natalie." She heard the phone dial, and she felt Adrien laying down on the couch next to her. He was sniffling, and Emilie couldn't stand it. She mustered all her strength and managed to sit up.

"Mommy?" Adrien asked hopefully.

"Hey. I'm okay, don't cry." She wiped the tears from his eyes as Gabriel walked into the room.

"Emilie!" He ran over to her, and she gratefully leaned on him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Later." She whispered. Her voice was scratchy, so Adrien went to go fetch some water. When he came back Emilie gratefully took it and drank. The doorbell rang at that moment, and Gabriel left to go answer it. He came back with Natalie.

"What's the matter?" She asked worriedly.

"Just a bad cold." Emilie smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Natalie, would you be willing to watch Adrien tonight? I don't want him getting sick." Gabriel said.

Natalie nodded. "Sure. That okay with you, Adrien?"

Adrien nodded. "Can we make cookies?"

"Of course!"

Adrien smiled.

"Adrien, why don't you go pack your bag?" Gabriel told him. Adrien ran off to his room, and Natalie turned to Gabriel with a hard look in her eyes.

"What aren't you telling me?"

Gabriel shook his head and looked helplessly at Emilie. Emilie was laying down again; she was fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Tell her." Emilie managed to croak. Gabriel nodded, and he told Natalie everything.


June 10, 2010

Gabriel and Emilie sat on the couch while Duusu and Nooroo explained everything. Adrien was still at Natalie's, and Duusu and Emilie had gotten over their sudden illness.

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