Ch. 9

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February 14, 2000

Emilie walked into the Willow the Wisp Garden. Fond memories of her school days came back to her, and she smiled wistfully. Life was so much simpler then, before all the busy fashion shows and late night filming, but then again I wouldn't trade it for the world.

She had come here to meet Gabriel. He wouldn't explain himself when he'd asked to meet her here, and she was curious. She was happy to see him though. Between her busy schedule and Gabriel's fight to become better known, they hadn't been able to see each other much, so she was thankful they'd found an evening free to spend together.

He was sitting alone on a bench when she spotted him. "Hey." She called.

He walked over to meet her with a smile. "You look beautiful." He told her.

"Thanks. How'd you manage to get in here? I thought it was students and faculty only."

"Well, thanks to you the Agreste name is starting to carry some weight. Also, Jane and Natalie still go here."

"Ahh. And what does the Agreste name have anything to do with me?" She asked. She knew Gabriel was trying to get his name out there, and she knew that he'd made some progress. She just hadn't thought he'd made as much progress as he actually had.

"Yeah; you nominated me to design the costumes for Solitude. Your very first movie. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. I'm proud of you too." They kissed; Gabriel pulled away a moment later and turned on a small speaker that was sitting on a bench.

"What's this?"

He shrugged. "I thought we could dance." He pulled her close and they swayed in time to the gentle melody. She leaned her head on his shoulder. They swayed some more before Gabriel gently pulled away.

"Emilie, I need to tell you something."

She looked at him curiously, and Gabriel took a deep breath.

"Emilie, I love you. You are amazing, kind, fun, and you always push me to be the best version of myself. I don't know what I'd do without you." He pulled the box out of its hiding spot and bent down on one knee. He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, and Emilie's hands went to her mouth.

"Emilie O'Connor. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Emilie tackled him with a hug, and they fell down onto the damp grass. Gabriel sat up and slipped the ring on her finger. She glanced at it for a moment, then her eyes met his.

"I love you, Gabriel."

He smiled. "I love you too." They leaned closer and kissed. They both jumped when Jane ran at them screaming.

"You guys are the cutest couple ever!"

Natalie followed close behind her, a small smile on her face. Gabriel stood and helped Emilie to her feet. Jane tackled him with another hug.

"I told you she'd say yes! Didn't I? So did Dad but you were still worrying."

Emilie laughed. "What'd Dad say?"

"When Gabriel went to go ask for his blessing he was all serious, 'take care of my daughter,' he said. When Gabriel passed his test he relaxed and told Gabriel that's she'd say yes. He was still nervous though, so Natalie and I gave him a pep talk." She shrugged. "It really didn't help that much."

Emilie laughed, it was a sweet sound that sounded like bells. She hugged Gabriel.

"I'm glad you did ask."

He hugged her back. "Me too." They could've stayed like that for eternity, but Jane interrupted them.

"All right, break it up! Let's go celebrate! I vote ice cream!" She said. Natalie agreed, and soon the four friends were walking out of the garden and into their future.

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