11: Shaking Things Up

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Shout out to this bitch who made fun of my other book, Infinite, when she hasn't even read through any of the chapters but the first one (which I wrote a few years back). Screw yourself, babe :-) But for real, shouting out @wheresmypizzaaa and @hellokittylubb for being the best readers ever because they commented defending me!<3
11: Shaking Things Up

I lay in my bed, going through a magazine I found laying on Adriana's nightstand. It's been a few hours since I've arrived here in my designated room, thinking earlier that I was dead because of my sister when in reality, she had no idea where I was - she just tried to scare me.

I slide my key into the hotel door, entering right away. As soon as I walk through, I see my sister laying in bed, quickly noticing me by switching her body position.

"Valerie Esperanza Gonzales," her voice is monotone, making me even worry more. How did she find out I wasn't with Talon? Does she know where I was? Do I confess now or wait for her to continue speaking? "Yes?" I answer back, timid. "Where the hell were you?" She asks assertively, almost calm if I say so myself. I scratch the back of my head, "I - I was at Talon's," I try to continue my lie, pushing the guilt down my throat, although she may have already found out I wasn't there. Then, she answers, surprising me, "No shit Sherlock; but really?" She states, making air quotations, "You 'fell asleep'?" My eyes widen, making me realize she didn't see through my lie. "Y-yea," I state, disbelief in my mind, "I fell - uh - asleep - because -"

"Right," her voice sarcastically states, "You 'fell asleep' my ass. What the hell were you doing at Talon's?" She smirks, devious - most likely having profane thoughts in her mind. Right away, I defend myself, "N - nothing - I was -" but before I can complete my statement, she giggles, "Whatever," she rolls her eyes, "Anyways, I'm just messing with you, Lori. Jesus - you seem like you're going to piss yourself at any minute," she continues to laugh, finally getting off her position on the bed.

"Lori," Adriana's head peeks from the side of the wall. I look up from my magazine, "What?" She points to her dress on her sheets and comforters, "Can you pass me that please?" I lazily get up, dragging my body to grab the thin cloth, and place it into her hands.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to Manhattan with me?" She asks, her face covered with foundation and eyeshadow. "Yes, I rather not be dressed up and bombarded with makeup while being with you and your friends who have no idea who I am," I return to my bed, plopping on it with a big thud. I quickly pull my head back to my magazine although my eyes still pay attention to her. She sighs - rolling her eyes, and shimmies into her midnight violet dress, "You'll be staying here by yourself then," she pauses, "Don't get into too much trouble." I place my magazine back down on my lap, "No," I sarcastically respond, "I'm going to burn this hotel room just for fun." She lets out an unhumored laugh, and I continue, "Calm down, Adriana. It's not like I'll be able to do anything troublesome." She giggles, "Whatever, Lori," she approaches me with her back turned to face me, her hands holding her hair, as the dress zipper is unzipped. I dramatically sigh before throwing the magazine on my pillow, and stand to zip the dress up. "Can you help me with my hair?" A smile, kind and bright, turns to look at me, knowing that she only asks me, so we are able to bond. I return her smile with a playful eye roll, before a smirk overcomes my face, "Fine."

Soon enough, I am able to complete her hair and return to my position on my bed. I see her grab a large tote bag, placing a few pairs of clothing, her charger, and a change of shoes. "Adriana," I speak up, making her pause and perk up from her rush of putting items, "How long are you going to be in Manhattan?" By the amount of clothing she has inside her bag, it seems like she'll be there for a few days. She lifts her bag to her shoulder before answering, "Maybe about three to four days," she walks towards me, pulling out her black wallet that complimented her dress; Adriana pulls out a golden card, putting it down in the palm of my hand, "So you better take care of yourself. I don't want to come back seeing you dead," she smirks out.

I'm Innocent - Jake T. AustinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang