18: Proceed

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18: Proceed

*Point of View: Jake T. Austin*

Every time I lay my eyes on her, her crystal blue orbs focus on mine as if trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing when she wont be able to. I close my eyes, leaning against the ledge, taking a deep breath, as I listen to the sound of the traffic down below. The sky is a plethora of colors - pinks, purples, and blues - the sun setting slowly as I stand alone on Talon's balcony. There isn't any fresh air in New York, she is still, her fingers clasped together, the only thing you'll be able to smell here is the exhaust of cars and the pollution. Her voice infiltrates my mind almost immediately, gentle - with a combination of dry humor and nervousness. I open my eyes, tilting my head back as I remember her standing alone here on the balcony when I wanted to be alone myself. I brush off the thought, realizing how she and I can never have a decent conversation, or if we're close to it, a sarcastic remark is made from either one of us. It was only on this balcony that we were able to speak to each other, even for a brief amount of time, and not state anything rash and irritating.

I pull out my phone, sliding the camera application in order to take a photo of the sky. My cellular device doesn't capture what my eyes see, but it'll have to do. In one click, the scene is captured. "The contrast of the darkness and bold, various colors," I state, remembering her words. I gaze at the buildings surrounding the city, realizing how much artificial light is used and how the edifices themselves block out the pigments in the sky.  Before long, the silence I had is broken, a notification interrupting me. As I unlock my device, I walk towards the glass doors, one hand resting on the door handle while the other taps on my device.

*You busy right now?* I roll my eyes as I read Miley's text message. I lock my screen as I enter the room I was in earlier to be welcomed by Vince and Valerie on the couch watching television. I make my way to the empty chair, not bothering to take a second glance at either one of them. I've been up all night and haven't gotten a dose of sleep, so I do not need anything bothering me right now. I glance at the television screen with no understanding of what's going on, hoping the silence remains as is; however, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket - signaling that Miley must have sent multiple text messages. I sigh in annoyance, not wanting to reply.

I hold onto my sanity, trying to ignore whatever is happening around me, but from the corner of my eye, I notice how she shifts from one position to another, her body blatantly conveying that she is uncomfortable, but knowing Vince, he doesn't recognize one bit of it. Her eyes direct towards mine, causing me to look away from her direction as she takes another glance. She'll just second guess herself, so I don't need to worry. I am pulled away from the sound of the television as I hear Talon's voice, my attention going to his direction.

"I'm not the one sitting around," Talon chuckles as he grabs his keys and makes his way to the entrance door. I prop myself up from the couch, digging my hand in my pocket to find my keys, and walk towards the door. Immediately, I push my feet into my shoes, using my finger to adjust the back before slipping through the door. The hallway is lit up due to the sun setting at this time, multiple shadows dragging along the walls, in contrast to the dim bulbs lighting my path at night. Out the window, the traffic has subsided making it easier to drive to the movie theater. I stand in the elevator, the hall empty and quiet until the three exit out of Talon's apartment. Vince runs towards the elevator, rushing to keep the door open, so I decide to let him be. I stand in the center of the elevator, the doors closing as he is halfway down the hall. "Jake, keep the door open," he echoes, his body racing towards me. I sigh, the door slowly closing, knowing that if I do not do anything, I'll be dealing with a lot of shit at the movie theater. So instead, I extend my arm out, grabbing the side of the elevator, causing it to reopen. Vince slows his stride, walking the rest of the way. As he enters the elevator, I put my hands in my pockets, not needing to hold it any longer. Then, Vince punches my arm, "Asshole," he remarks jokingly, before leaning on the elevator door to keep it open.

I'm Innocent - Jake T. AustinWhere stories live. Discover now