Chapter Seven: A Prayer From Home

Start from the beginning

"Let's go get our weapons, Bro. They'll be by the entrance."

We all exchanged embraces one last time before we finally went our separate ways. Our parents towards the war room and us towards the exit. I desperately wanted to get out of this bunker. It made me feel slightly claustrophobic.

It was hard to say goodbye to our parents after only getting to spend a little time with them after seven years of being apart. But we all had our missions to finish. Rastus and I would save our sister and I would do everything in my power to save my Mate.

I had taken her for granted but I wouldn't ever again. I will find her, and I will save her. Even if I have to do it alone. Rastus looked back at me as we reached the exit and smiled in relief. He quickly scooped up our weapons and handed me mine. After we made sure everything was in place and we hadn't forgotten anything, we finally walked out of the bunker. But not without getting glared at by the guard on duty.

"You've been deemed traitors by the Allies! Watch your back, Demons!" The Guard warned in a condescending tone.

Then with one last sadistic smirk, he locked the door behind us. A cold chill crawled down my spine, warning me trouble lie ahead.

"We should move quick! If we're traitors now than they won't hesitate to fire at us, Brother." Rastus urged and motioned for me to follow.

Brother was the one with the better sense of direction so I followed him as we sprinted as fast as our legs would take us. Which, thanks to our heritage, was at a god-like pace. I wouldn't be able to run this fast for too long, but it was necessary in order to make it out of the base. It didn't take long for other soldiers to find us and start to fire at us 'traitors'.

My body screamed at me to change into an alternate form to ease the stress on my decaying form. So, I did just that. Much to my Brother's horror. I realized this made me an easier target because of my size but it was either this or my body gave up on me.

The transformation was less painful than my minotaur form, but I still felt every breaking and reshaping bone. Every rip and tear in my flesh as it regrew and stitched itself back together. The transformation was faster this time as well, much to my delight. As soon as I was in my full, powerful form, Brother picked up speed and I was finally able to keep up.

We made it out of the base with only a few bullet wounds. They went straight through, making it easier for our bodies to heal. Brother was calming himself down as we stopped in the thick woods. I had tree branches pulling on my fur and feathers but besides that, I felt alright.

"Good thinking, Bro." Rastus chuckled, still out of breath from the slight panic.

We weren't really expecting them to suddenly announce us traitors and to open fire like that before we left. Our parents would definitely destroy the base now. It would be impossible not to hear all the commotion that just occurred.

"Well, shall we continue towards the road?"

I nodded and took the lead, using my nose and enhanced sight to find the road. It didn't take long to locate and soon enough we were making our way down the road. We kept a steady pace throughout the day, wanting to make constant progress until we reached a Nazi camp or base. Best case scenario would be they try to ambush us and we 'surrender'.

"How long do you think it will take until we find someone?"

I looked to my Brother and then back to the road. I wasn't sure how to reply. It could take minutes or days and I'm pretty sure he knew that. I tried smelling for humans to give us a better idea but oddly enough I didn't smell much besides death and gunpowder. It was almost like the smell of Humans was masked. Which was odd since the entire base we had been in reeked of Human.

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