"What are you doing here Skylar?" Asked Kayel to his girlfriend.

"Making sure you guys don't gang up against Alyssa. She hasn't done anything wrong to any of you guys." Said Skylar.

"I'm so disappointed at you Steven. How can you let your sibling and your friends say so many horrible things towards Alyssa and her family?" Said Leah, she had been right behind Skylar.

"LEAH! Why did you come?" Asks Steven when he realized that his girlfriend was here as well.

"Same reason as Skylar. Now I'm staying for this meeting and nobody is changing that. If we hear any bad words or comments directed to Alyssa and her family so help us boys..." warned Leah.

"Baby please go, it isn't safe here." Said Steven to Leah, what he said made me flinch.

Not only did The F's 4 didn't trust me but they are starting to not trust my family as well just because of me. I think coming back was the worst decision I have ever made. I turned away from everyone and made my way towards my office. The tension was too much, specially when most of the tension is because of me. Thankfully nobody notice that I had left. I'm forever thankful towards Skylar and Leah, they are the only ones that believe me for what I can tell.

"So while everyone is distracted you decide to leave? You think that nobody would notice you leave?" I heard Ezzequiel's voice, I turned around for I had been looking out the window of my office.

"What do you want now Ezzequiel?" I asked him with a harsh tone.

"What are you planning now?" He asked me.

"Are you for real right now? You think I'm planning something just because I left." I asked him.

"Answer my question Alyssa, what are you planning?" Asked Ezzequiel once again to me.

"I'm not planning anything Ezzequiel. Is that so hard to believe?" I asked him. He gave me a sarcastic laugh and then he turned serious.

"Yes Alyssa it is so hard to believe you. With everything that you have done I'm surprise your family even wants you around." Said Ezzequiel to me and I could tell that he meant every word he just said.

"I'm surprised that your family still wants you around, you have changed for the worse." I told him with so much hate.

"Who's fault is it that I changed so much?" Asked Ezzequiel, he walked closer to my desk.

"Who's fault is it that everyone is fighting downstairs?" He asked me while getting closer to me.

"Who's fault is it that you can't be trusted?" Asked Ezzequiel, by now he was leaning against my desk. His hands are supporting him from falling face first on my desk. I hadn't backed away even though he was too close for my liking.

"It's all your fault Alyssa Grace Lockhart. It's all your fault but you keep denying it." Said Ezzequiel to me, some how he had gotten even closer to me. Our faces are inches apart. But what he said snapped me from my paralyzed position.

"You really are a hipócrita Ezzequiel. No sabes nada de lo que pasó aquella noche, pero, como quiera me culpas por todo." I said in Spanish. The reason why I said it in Spanish is because I knew that Ezzequiel didn't know Spanish at all. Then I pushed him back with all the strength I had. He stumbled back, I had caught him by surprise. (Translation: "You really are a hypocrite Ezzequiel. You don't know anything about that night and yet you still blame me for everything.")

"What the hell did you just say?" Asked Ezzequiel with a confused look.

"¿No me entiendes? ¡Ezzequiel te odio tanto, no sabes cuanto! Pero esto te digo no me acuses sin evidencia. No sabes lo que yo sufrí aquella noche. No sabes lo que mi padre me hizo por mantener en secreto la realidad. No sabes que por no dejarme explicarte y decirte todo nunca supiste que serías un papá." I said to Ezzequiel while getting closer to him, by the end of my speech he was practically glued to the wall. (Translation: "You don't understand me? I hate you so much Ezzequiel, you don't even know how much! But let me tell you this, don't ever accuse me without evidence. You don't know how much I suffered that night. You don't know what my father did to me for keeping the reality a secret. You don't know that because you didn't let me explain and tell you everything you have never known that you would have been a father.")

"What are you saying Alyssa?" Asked Ezzequiel to me. This time his tone was confused, he wasn't showing any kind of hurtful emotions towards me. The only emotion he was displaying is curiosity.

"I told you what I have been wanting to tell you for a long time." I said to him.

"Yet I couldn't understand anything you said." Said Ezzequiel, he had rapped one of his arm around my waist while his other arm moved my hair back.

"Maybe it is better that way, de está manera tienen a alguien para culpar." I said to him. (Translation: "Maybe it is better that way, that way you still have someone to blame.")

"What the fuck is going on here?" I heard Kayel ask from behind me.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I heard Kayel ask from behind me

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