Chapter 3.

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"why hello green" Lance grinned as she entered the dance club.

"hello Blue" Pidge smirked as she walked over, seeing the others in their dress costume, just like she was. 

"did i miss something" Yellow asked confused and the others all looked to each other.

"he wouldn't tell anyone, he too nice to be mean" Shiro replied with a small smile and Pidge nodded in agreement.

"we met green in her real life, she knows our name and we know hers" Keith explained as he crossed his arms. 

"nice to meet you, I'm pidge" Pidge smiled sweetly as she held her hand out to yellow.

"hunk, i feel so happy knowing your real name and that you trust me with it" Hunk cheered and hugged pidge. 

"but we gotta keep calling our street names during the night, since green cant be found out" Shiro explained with a kind smile.

"dont worry green, i wont blue this up" Hunk smiled sweetly and the others laughed while lance pouted.

"well, it looks like its time for Yellow to dance" Keith smiled and hunk walked towards one of the stages he booked. 

"hey green, our school has this Easter dance camp. You see we get to go to this nice summer house for free and we just chill and hang for a couple weeks. We have a couple free spaces since we dont have a huge friends group. Maybe you and your brother would join us. Its a private house and only us will be there so no one else would know about you two" Lance mumbled and rubbed his neck while he looked at her.

"but i dont go to your school, why would they let me go on a free trip and bring my brother too" Pidge asked unsure.

"well its owned by the coach for us all. He owns the summer house and lets us train during Easter. He caught us watching a couple of your dancing videos that lance might have secretly taken over the years and wants to meet you. We told him, you cant have your name leak and he agree to keeping you hidden. Its only two weeks and if you dont like him or dont want to join then we never ask again" Shiro smiled kindly and turned to pidge.

"for two weeks, then you never ask me to join your school or anything. You sure he wont leak mine or my brother name or me dancing" Pidge asked and crossed her arms.

"promise, we be far away from the main town so no one can sneak to have a look. We look like normal teens if we do go into town and not dancers. So will you join" Keith mumbled with a small smile. 

"I'll have to talk with my brother and Iverson for permission. I'm not promising anything" Pidge sighed and Lance smile grew before hugging her.

"thank you, we gonna have so much fun" Lance cheered as he hugged the shorter dance. 

Pidge woke up the next morning and talked with her brother who seemed very excited over going. They talked to Iverson asking if they could go with matt skating buddies on a free two week training and he agreed. They couldn't say it was pidge friends since Iverson didnt know about her late night dancing. Iverson signed the permission papers and pidge passed them to the others who gave it to their shared couch.

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